

The Tablog Book Club

Since we're deconstructing Indiana, has anyone read these books? She was a neighborhood buddy of Jane and Susan and dad was her pediatrician. I haven't read it, but she told Jane that the loud, opinionated, strong-willed pediatrician in the book is based on someone familiar.



Sometimes the Stars Align

We are moving our offices over the next few weeks. Today, I looked at the windo air conditioner units in the new office. They go up to eleven. I kid you not!



A little help from my friends

While everyone's minds are in the 1970s, maybe someone can help out the Pino sibs. Like every Friday evening, the three of us were sitting around talking about Star Wars. Well, really, Sue mentioned that she'd made a joke that included "light saber" and my Mom was completely in the dark. Never heard of a light saber. So while we were trying to figure out how she never saw a Star Wars movie, I realized I don't remember going to see Star Wars. I know I saw it, but I can't remember who I saw it with or at what theater it played. Funny because I remember lots of movies very distinctly - where they played, who I went with, how many times I saw them - but Star Wars is a complete blank. I'm sure I probably went with Chip and/or Scott. Cathy went with Scott's sister Lori and remembers scads of details about the experience, except which theater it played. She thought it was at the "new" mall, but I don't think it was open then. Sue doesn't remember if she even saw it in its first run. (pah - little sisters...)
Did I go with anyone on this list? Does anyone remember? Liza, I know you must remember the theater, even with your bad memory, because I recall that you went and saw it fifty times....
Oh and if you've never seen this fan movie, you need to.


Classified Ad

ADJUNCT FACULTY THEATRE Centenary College seeks Adjunct Faculty for Fall Semester 2006 to teach Stage Management THA326 with possible opportunity for Equity Stage Management with Centenary Stage Co, not-for-profit equity theatre/SPT tier four contract. The College seeks candidate with relevant Masters Degree or equiv professional exp. For consideration send cover letter, resume & contact information of 3 references to: Carl Wallnau, Chair, Communication/Fine Arts Dept, Centenary College, 400 Jefferson Street, Hackettstown, NJ 07840. EEO Fax: 908-979-4279 wallnauc@centenarycollege.edu




Wow. Hansmann's topic was so great. Nice work Eric. You all have heard me talk about Eric with such admiration (well, except Chip and Joe who have heard me talk of him with driping irony- but that's different!) . I really wish he could have been at Tabishpalooza and hope that he can join us in one of these satellite events.

Anyway- here's one that I was reminded of when we got together at Ginger's and Tim was relating experiences of emigrating to Indiana at age, what, 12?.- I know Peen moved to Indiana about the same time- maybe when he was 12 or 13. When I was 11, I moved from L.A. County to Indiana County and it was quite a culture shock. What memories do you outsiders have of moving to Indiana? For that matter, what memories do you natives have of the odd immigrants moving to Indiana and taking jobs from Indianaians?



First Concert anyone?

Since we are now at the depths of Jethro Tull discussions I thought this may be interesting.

IUP has hosted concerts over the years. I suspect many of yunz saw your first big rock show at Fisher Auditorium or the Field House. What was your first concert experience in Indiana?

Oddly, I can't recall mine, but those brownies sure were good!

Really though, I'm not exactly sure of my first rock show in Indiana. I recall I almost got tix to see Billy Joel. Almost. I may have seen Kansas. I do remember seeing Todd Rundgren and Utopia with Starcastle opening up. But I'm not sure if that was my first rock show in Indiana.

I do know I have not seen many rock shows in Indiana. Three shows, maybe.

Let's here from some of the peanuts out there....


Tull meets Tap meets YouTube

The world's other Tull fan(*) sent me this link. It's not from the movie (which is a funnier version) but I think it makes the musicologist's point that all music is derivative, with the exception of Yoko Ono's stuff.

(*)I think it's Ian, though he would deny it and claim he was more into Air Supply at the time, since "the chicks dig them".



JethroTull meets YouTube

Perhaps the real test of this blogs endurance will be the dreaded Tull crosslink (in the title). (There are other songs in the right hand menu for the other 3 remaining fans in the world.)


Just a little summer blog romance

I surprised this thing is still going and has survived Star Trek, photoshopped cats, and bad dim sum puns. I don't think it can handle Monty Python or Spinal Tap references, however. That would be it's Death Nell, but I could be wrong and I suspect Hannsmann will be the one to push that envelope. We'll have to see what happens when the Boardwalk starts closing for the season and we have to start shopping for new Star Wars binder-folders and lunch boxes.

Come what may, it's been fun sharing time and space in the blogosphere.



"Ee-uhn"'s name is in it, coincidence or what? (my word-a-day)

Eponyms -- AWAD's perennial favorites -- make their appearance once again.
There is a reason for their popularity: where else can you a find a whole
story in just one word? This week's selection features words named after
people famous and infamous, real and fictional, well-known and obscure.
Among the folks we'll meet are a Roman actor, an English preacher, a
legendary hero, and a Greek god.

roscian (ROSH-ee-uhn) adjective

Of or related to acting.

[After Quintus Roscius Gallus (c.126-62 BCE), a Roman actor famous for his
talent in acting.]

Roscius was born in slavery but his success on stage won him freedom from
the dictator Sulla. He was considered the greatest comic actor and Cicero
took elocution lessons from him. Cicero later returned the favor by
defending him in a lawsuit and the defense speech survives to this day.
In his honor, accomplished actors are sometimes called Roscius.

-Anu Garg (gargATwordsmith.org)

"I put my hands in my pockets. A folded piece of paper in one of them
attracting my attention, I opened it and found it to be the playbill
I had received from Joe, relative to the celebrated provincial amateur
of Roscian renown."
Charles Dickens; Great Expectations; 1861.



The Midlife Crisis Road Show

Again, me without the camera. Kim, Tim, Nell and I descended upon Ginger in Falls Church Virginia this past weekend. Luckily, we all brought our musical instruments and stayed up late playing Klessmer Music.

Tim has vastly improved his oboe work. Unfortunately, a good time was ruined by my serious bladder control problems (or should I say "issues"). Crank phone calls were made to Mealy, EJ and Pino. Pino was smart enough to "dork screen" our call. Needless to say, the others weren't so clever.

Red wine was again present. No train chasing, but fresh peaches, pound cake and much harassing of Sean "Clemente" Coleman. We all were welcomed by Ginger's brother Kevin and his lovely wife Marta and charming year old daughter Hannah.



The Legend of Joe Pino

Yes, just follow the link and prepared to be confused. http://lanzallamas.com/artificial/img_pop/joepino.gif


Washington Detente

This Saturday, Tim, Ian, Ginger, Nell, and I met for Dim Sum in Washington DC. It took Tim, Nell, and I roughly 4 hours to get there, all from different directions. Nell's family came, too, but they were relegated to doing laundry and exploring Baltimore while she whooped it up. They didn't seem to mind, somehow. Ian graciously paid for the meal. It's things like this that make the upper classmen want you around, folks, keep it in mind.

Then we went to Ginger's where we looked at yearbooks and other memorabilia and talked. And talked, and talked. It's absolutely astonishing to me that we still have so much to say about our past. It's also nice that we can talk about and relate to each other's lives in the present. Ginger made an excellent dinner and was a wonderful hostess. We also loved her dogs - they were very cute! We called Mealy and Joe and Eric and would have probably called more people if we'd had their numbers. Mealy has a new jet thingy and Eric has promised to Blog. We got Joe's machine, but perhaps he heard us coming.

Tim made the mistake of going home before the rest of us and we found a picture of him in the junior high yearbook in fly-tying club. Ian even made up a special voice for imitating him, the now-famous "Tim in Fly-Tying Club Voice," which I thought was absolutely hilarious and I don't drink. Go figure.

At some point around midnight we made our way to the beautiful home of Ginger's brother Kevin and his lovely wife, Marta. They also have a beautiful baby but my picture of the baby was blurry. Or maybe I was. Anyway, they put us up for the night and even made us breakfast in the morning. We've decided Tabapalooza '07 will be at their house, and '08 will be at their BEACH house. Sorry, Kevin. You let us in, man, we never leave.

The Coleman family then came to drag Nell away on vacation and ended up getting sucked into breakfast and good natured ribbing of children. What a gorgeous family!

I don't have pictures of Ian and I making our way up the parkway but that was the last bit from the week-end, or my piece of it anyway. And THAT was fun.



From DRT: Thank you for party.doc

July 15, 2006

Dear Sendracians,
(I believe that is the name you’ve given yourselves though I’d say simply --FOLKS!!)

On the evening of June 17 as I stood before so many of you, I said I was speechless. I meant that not for the moment, but truly for all time. There is nothing I can say that could express how thrilled I was to see so many of you (and to know others were responding by mail or email) and how touched I was with the overwhelming effort all of you along with Irene had put forth over so many months.

That night I told a few of you that I have regularly and, most recently, frequently dreamed that I could once again bring together those people who comprised my wonder years – the creative core of responsible, commited individuals who peopled my efforts to shape a drama program at Indiana Senior High. Yet, each time I dared to dream of such a reunion, I would immediately tell myself it could never happen; it would be impossible to bring together so many busy people from so many far off places all on the same date.

I believe I announced that night that I had taken time to sit in the auditorium during my last day of teaching—an action I always knew would be a part of my last day at the senior high. As I sat there, I saw you all building sets, hanging lights, carrying costumes, changing sets, dancing, singing, carrying out elaborately choreographed stage business, and, of course, “leaning in”!!!!!! It was as close as I thought I would ever get to having so many of you before my eyes all at once. In fact, in reality you were never all there at once but in my mind, you somehow all intertwined and became one wonderful memory of an era past. Irene and I are always amazed when one of you who is so vivid in our memories doesn’t recall someone else. In our minds, our memories, and our hearts, you are all part of one wonderful eight year experience.

My rather demanding rehearsal and performance schedule over the past two weeks combined with both the desire to make this thank you note “profound” and my complete inability to even reach, let alone use, the blog without hours of painful error has delayed an online response. I apologize for the delay!

I am so touched by every note, every comment, every gesture which you have extended in person, by mail and electronically. Irene and I have read the many stories and “insults” over and over, and it continues to delight us; unfortunately, our friends have also been able to garner quite a bit of ammunition from your comments and quips. I am so touched by your efforts!

The production of The Cherry Orchard is over and as many of you may have read from the review, it was very well, received. Unfortunately, I am no more “profound” in my thoughts than I ever might have been if I had rushed to write this note. Yet believe me, what I fail to say in words will live on in my heart forever. Your extended gesture has fulfilled a dream and will remain one of the great events of my life.

As I look through the Playbill, I am amazed at the wonderful, varied and productive lives you are all living, including the many twists, turns and challenges that each of you has embraced. I am also thrilled that you have been able to come back together and still delight in each others presence. A theme the evening of the party and repeatedly on the blog site (is that what it is called?) is that the experience not only emphasizes how you were all so closely connected to Irene and me but rather just how much you meant and still mean to each other. I must reemphasize that idea by saying that as wonderful as each of you are to me individually, it is your collective presence in my life that has given it such meaning and richness.

I could go on forever and would never feel that I had satisfactorily thanked each of you. So let me simply say once again that to reconnect with so many of you was one of my greatest dreams and is now one of my fondest memories.

I am afraid this note will not reach many of you, as you are no longer checking the blog (you do have lives, you know) or like me you don’t blog. It still seemed like the only way to thank everyone at once. Please pass this on if you know someone who does not do the blog thing.

Do stay in touch. I have some of your addresses, but if not, please send me an email and regular mail address (not just email address) which I would love to have. We love hearing from you and would love to keep in touch and informed of your lives and adventures.

Finally, from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you.

Most Fondly,



Cats Who Look Like Jeff Magee

What are the odds?



Here you go "Cathy"

Now, what i want is a web site of cats who look like Jeff Magee


Courtesy of my sister Cath...

Cats who look like hitler.
Be sure to check out the hate mail page.


It's OK, Jeff

You are just 1 in 57 million Americans who "confess to the habit".



Tim must be operat'n today



Anagrams, anyone?

Follow the link in the title to more mindless fun. The best one for "Dave Tabish" is "I shaved Tab" which sounds like part of that dream Jeff was describing.



The Surrealist Compliment Generator

Have any of yunz seen this site? It's fab.

The limpidity of your objections ever motivates my hunger.


Blogaholics Anonymous

Forget the Skype and Joes other techno gear head stuff, how about some cheap gossip:

And a funny site about sniglets (viz a viz "blogziety"):



For Kim and anyone else looking to avoid work

Cublo. Courtesy of my coworker Dave Boevers, who is excellent and finding time-wasting crap on the internet. In his own words: "Its sort of like that game from Next Gen they used to take over the ship. Really there's very little strategy, no way to win, and eventually no matter what you do you lose."

Dave's Blog is here and it's pretty entertaining, so it could easily serve as another time-suck, Kim.


Ian is Touring America Looking for Bloggers While Leaving His Camera at Home

This time, I met Nell at Benjamins in Indiana on saturday night (in the middle of a five day "forget my present life" vacation. Again, my camera was without a charged battery. Again, red wine was present. This time, however, there was no train chasing.

I hope everyone has noticed what an amazing person nell turned out to be (was "in the day" too).

An artist drew this rendering later and I thought it was just perfect.


Found on the Internet

Can you be so "internet famous" that the most mundane picture of you possible is on the web? Apparently so.


Blogziety pt 2

9. When you find you've posted three times in a row and feel like maybe you need a different hobby.

10. When you start dreaming about the people involved with the blog. For instance, someone might have a dream that Ian was arrested for downloading too many animal pictures from the internet (apparently 20MB is the legal limit). So Joe, Ginger and Tim had to take a road trip to get him out of jail. They raced across the country in Tim's convertable Rolls Royce, with Joe standing on the running board by the spare tire. There was something about Anne in there too, but I forget....um... I mean hypothetically someone might forget.


Can't tell the players without a scorecard

For our growing Japanese readership...

Tim は医者である。Liza は医者である。スコットは医者である。Geoff は医者である。Kurt は医者である。Janine は教師である。ジョーは教師である。ジェフは教師である。Anne は教師である。イアンはディレクターである。金は歌手である。Nell は麻酔剤の御用達である。ショウガはちょうど明白な熱い。Gracie は精神に異常がある人々との何かをする。デーブはであり容易さの退職させ、生命住んでいる。破片はマウスのために働く。Jennie は死者と踊る。エリックは若者達の生命を導く。私は彼女が涼しい方法であることをどんなBoz がするが、人々は私に言うか知らない。



Altered photos pt2 - the old fashioned way

Courtesy of Ginger and a pair of scissors. Jinj says it's a picture from Lisa's college graduation, but she couldn't remember the person between them so she cut him out and replaced him with snuggle-bunny Ian. It reminds me of how, pre-Photoshop, people would cut their divorced exs out of family pictures. If you ever come to my house, look for the picture of C.E.'s family on our wall, with her Mother's second husband neatly trimmed from the group. Cracks me up every time I see it. I don't think her Mom has ever noticed.




Okay, this is the perfect reason for everyone to get Skype. Obviously Kim and Ian are both at their computers and online as I type this. If you guys had Skype, I'd see you were on line and we could be actually talking to each other while blogging - like IM but with voices - people used to call it a phone call in the olden days - now you can do it from your computer.

I've been using it to have meetings with these guys from England and it's pretty fun. The nerd quotient - talking and typing at the same time - is off the scale.

Just a thought. My skype name is jdpino. If you join, let me know and I'll add you to my phone book and we can chat whenever.

PS. You do need a microphone hooked to your computer - if you have a Mac it's built in but if you have a PC you'd need a little USB mic.

Superior Science Fiction TV

"It's called getting down"


This Old Thing

and of course, we all rememeber this cover. I know we're all sick of seeing it, but I thought I would drag it out for one more look.


Bat Phil = Zelig

I was really surprised to come across this photo.


Tim just reached all the way from Siler City and smacked me!


Special Guest Star?

I was casually looking over my extensive Star Trek photography collection. I try and do this at least once a week. It helps me to stay grounded. My therapist also tells me that while I'm looking at the pictures, I should tell myself that it is a TV show and not the alternate plane reality that exists only to me, Dan Rather and the dog chained up next door. Anyway, I must have looked at this picture, oh, about three to four thousand times in my life, but was surprised whom turned up this time. Take a good look.


If two men are 60 miles apart and walking toward each other at 2.5 miles an hour.....

3000 hits in 32 days from 23 countries to read 101 posts. 2500 from North Carolina, 499 from the rest of the world, 1 from Tibet. Doesn't count the week when we didn't have a counter.


Blogziety (blahg-ZY-eh-tee) n.

1. Anxiety attack produced by forgetting your user name or password or anything else that makes you have to ask Joe for help.
2. Stress caused by belief that you have to be funnier and hipper than Tim, zanier and thoughtful than Ian, nicer and more energetic than Kim, sweeter than Nell, more witty and can-do than Liza, more patient AND zany AND intellectual than Joe, more winningly effusive than Neen, and more gorgeous than Ty McGary in order to post anything.
3. The feeling that people who aren't blogging pity you for doing it--that, in fact, they are having a non-bloggers party this minute at the Coney and making fun of you and your latest entry because Noker has set up an internet station with a big screen that projects your blog thoughts and photos to everyone walking and driving down Philadelphia Street.
4. Fear that a once-regular blogger has gotten bored and moved on to more useful pursuits, such as offering 2-for-1 hernia operations for kids named Ethan.
5. The creeping panic that blog will be abandoned entirely by everyone, and you'll have to face your real life, such as offering 2-for-1 hernia operations for kids named Ethan and moonlighting as a medical malpractice lawyer to collect if the parents don't pay you for your medical work.
6. The sneaky sensation that, ultimately, Mr. "Godot" Tabish will finally show up at the blog that bears his name and say "Whoa, folks!"
7. The hyperactive feeling that you keep thinking up definitions for "blogziety" and have to edit your post even after you've posted it because you have more time these days--or act like it--because you've just moved and you're actually unemployed in the Prairie State until August 23, when school starts, which feels way to early.



Post #100: James T. Kirk Changes Middle Name

I, James T. Kirk, in gratitude to Tabishland and the big boost it has given my career, have decided to change my middle name from Tiberius....to.....Tabishland. Thank you. James Tabishland Kirk


Post #99: An East Coast Response to the Mid-West Corn Report

(Sung to the tune of "Kansas City" from Oklahoma, especially for you, Jeff)

Everything's hot and wet in Indiana,
It's rained and rained and now it's humid too,
The corn has growed, the berries ripe, the daisies all are white,
We're playin' ball and takin' hikes and bar-b-queing beef,
It's just about as great as you recall,
It's just about as great as you recall...


Post #98: Lurkers of the world unite

Other than Joe, Jeff, Janine, Ian, the Ukers at Squatney-on-Trent and the lonely geek in Albania is anybody else willing to admit they're still hiding in the shadows of the Tablog. Mocking us for not having lives.

Homeroom rollcall. Hands up please in the comments section if you still take delight in wasting a little time here. I'm hoping there be a least be one more person than the average audience number at the PVPlayhouse.

Isisisis anybodybodybody outoutout therererere?????


Post #97

This is post #97. That's three more to #100. Tim, Jeff, Ian and I are not allowed to make post #100. So this blog will stop in two more posts unless some other folks jump in. If one of those guys makes #100, I'll keep deleting them until someone new makes one.

Geoff, Kurt, Ron, Boz, Roseann, Anne, Dave.


The number two most asked question is....

Top window appears when you go to the blog Dashboard, log in and click New Post.

The lower window appears after you click the little photo icon in the first window.

Images must be JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF or BMP format. The blog will resize them to take up the least amount of memory. We have 300MB of image space for the blog - the entire Sendracs photo collection over at the other website is around 20MB. So we shouldn't run out of space for a while.

The Official Blogger Instructions are here .


Don't Worry Mister Magee

It's snowin' up here on my hill...and the wind is a blowin' and a snappin' the warsh I have a hangin' on that there launderin' line...and time seems to be a standin' still in teachervacationin'land...it now takes me three days to almost finish a task where it use ter take me three seconds while also accomplishin' six more...still in my pajamies, sippin' my joe and decidin' what to do with my day...read another interestin' book? Take the pup for a nature walk? Walk thru my many gardens and admire the good Lord's handiwork? Groundhog hunt?
No, I am a usin' my time productively today by helpin' to save the blog...I too have been concerned by the recent quiet nature of this here blog...I am a used to startin' my day reading the nonsense of that there Doctor Mac Weiner...what time does he get up in the mornin'? He must arise with them there roosters...and I am a used to finishin' my slow paced day with the late night musin's of them there funny fellers Joe and I-an. Don't them two never sleep? Not much goes on in the middle of this or that there day 'cause most respectin' folks got them a year round job...though sometimes at dinner (that's lunch time fer youins sophisticated...fergot yer Western Pennsylvanian eatin' time terms) there is a couple of comments thrown in fer good measure...Anywho...
It's bin darn quiet...
So I am helpin' youins all out. I have closely observed on this here blog...since I have nothin' else to do till September...that the blog that got all of youins rowed up the most was the blog entry published by yer favorite Kim...about her and Liza's youngins...now there ain't nothin' more excitin' than talkin' about yer children...obviously it's warranted...All of yer kids are B-EEE---UUUUUUU-TEEEEEEEE-FUL! And all sweet as someone elses strawberry-rhubarb pie. I met 'em all...and they all are perfect...smart as encyclopedias and so nice natured too...You all should be beamin' 'cause you all done real good...REAL good.
Now as I am not heavenly blessed with any youngin's...I ain't got nothin' to show off and be proud of...so I thought real hard and remembered somethin' I once heard...that "Nobody can resist a baby or a pet" or somethin' to that nature...so I thought I'd test that there theory, save this here blog by stirrin' up some activity and git to show off my coon dog and my mules...
Whew...what an excitin' Tuesday...whoops...Thursday (see?) this here has turned out to be...and it's still the mornin'!!!!

Only I can't here upload er download er $#^$&*&*&load my here pretty pictures 'cause this here gosh darn blog will not let me like Mister Joe promised it would. But he always comes through somehow 'cause I am his favorite student 'cause I always have the most questions. I will just here wait for his salvation...but entertain you all in the mean while...blog away....



Theme for 2007

I think we've narrowed the theme for Tabapalooza 2007 down to "Alien Babe Conquests of Captain Kirk", "Ellie Mae's Critters", or the all-inclusive "Set Controls for the Heart of the Nerd". Dave, do you have a preference?



"If you can't rock me, somebody will"- Richards/Jaggar

Click the above link for a Tab review!


"Sulu, set your coordinates for the Sendracian star system."

Probably a bad sign when Star Trek stuff starts showing up in a blog. This could be its death knell (rhymes with "nail"). I'll leave the new postings to others now, having sucked most of the oxygen out of the room.


More bittersweet Jr High memories

I'm trying to remember why I chose Trapping Club over, say, Bottle Collectors. Maybe b/c I had just moved to Indiana and was feeling isolated and friendless, the militia/survivalist ethic appealed to me. But as a bleeding heart animal lover it doesn't make sense now. Perhaps Mr Bovino was just too....European for me. But, 1972....plaid....I'm way ahead of the fashion curve. Although Ron's two-tone pullover is very cutting edge and Rich's eyeglass frames would be the envy of the haberdashers at the 700 Shop.



Bin and I-Man

My camera's battery died- so I couldn't take any pictures (here is a re-creation). Bin and I-Man also met this weekend in Maryland (with a special guest appearance by Nell's little brother Ed and his wife!.

Yes, in fact, it's true- the word "fabulous" was originally coined for Ginger and it still fits her to a t!

We drank red wine and chased an train together.



New Jersey Summit of Sendracians

Liza Sibolboro Mezzacappa and Kim Contrucci Andersen met today for an afternoon of chat, friendship, pizza, munchkins, and rowdy children. Liza's daughter Lucia was absent, so we were overwhelmed by boyness. My husband made a brief but verbal appearance. We had a great time.

Left to Right: Liza, son Philip; Kim, sons Ethan and Rhys. As you can see, only the adults have teeth.



Who gets the next tribute blog?

JJ or Bill Hipkiss?


6 degrees of Sendracs

Ginger, which Jenkins boy escorted you?


Gene's comic touch

The clip on tie in the pocket is subtle but very funny.


Jennie and Janine get their first big break

"Tomorrow for lunch, there will be pizzaburgers, green beans, corn supreme and jello jewels."


Pre-Tabish Thespian efforts

Sort of like picking out the future stars from a soap opera or "Dazed and Confused".



And because Ginger is bugging me to put it online...

Joe. Puppet. The comedy potential is off the charts.
From the Ginga Gene collection.

[ps. I still have this puppet.]


Caption Contest #1

Tim arm wrestles a guy on point (male ballerina who is not Geoff Day?) to win a date with Dorothy Hamill.


Ladies, I'd like to introduce you to.....

Mr. Tim Weiner's butt. In tight jeans. Photo from the Ginga Gene collection.


Did Mr T plagarize his wise sayings?

The muscle for Bos's dad at the JH was this guy. Straight out of "Ferris Bueller". But the interesting thing is the quote, which looks suspiciously like the stuff MISTER Tabish used to foist on us. "No "I" in team", "Do it for the Gipper", etc. Was he really stealing Mr Hough's mojo the whole time?


Boz clarification

The guy in the middle is Bos (with an "s"). After a Navy career, I believe he married Cathy Gaggini and raises award-winning Keeshonds. He lived next to Lisa and Wendy Davis, his dad was the JH principal and the the family's ancestors hail from Bosnia. I'm not sure who his favorite poetess is.


The first step towards Senate majority leader

Detective, Night Watch, 1975.
Eric begins a Jenkin's career being type-cast as fathers, captains, cops and other wise and sage authoritaran figures. On occasion he will be allowed to sing. A Reagan-esque career in politics is not hard to imagine.


A Hallmark moment for Joe

Joe and Ian and the guys seems a little reserved and quiet lately. Perhaps they're a little sad and need some space. To try and cheer them up, I thought I'd list a little poem by Joe's favorite poetess, Suzanne Somers, for their enjoyment during their "me time".



Sketches of Bone

First picture: Bone shows up midyear as a misguided Scandanavian exchange student who does not speak the language well; Ty Mcgary starts picking on him and in a cruel prank convinces him to becomes a cheerleader. Second picture: After a nice, tasty pub crawl, Rob McFarland and I explain to The Bone how's he's been duped and counsel him in no uncertain terms that he will cease and desist from being a cheerleader and embarassing all red-blooded male theater geeks. Third picture: Tom Bone, Indiana Jr High janitor, no relation.


Yearbook pics: Backstage at the Jr. High Talent Show

How prophetic.


The Tabishs, ca. 1976

I think Irene is shopping at GyntEagle for the French Club dinner. Since they didn't carry real butter or eggs back then, she probably had to use Country Crock and Egg-beaters for the hollandaise. May have splurged on the wine and gone with a Blue Nun or Mateus rose. Someone else will have to explain the teddy bear.


Sketches of Boz

The fact that Boz turns up in the Jr. High Ecology Club with other budding tree-huggers GD and MEZZACAPPA makes me more skeptical about the Boz-is-so-cool-she-must-be-a-NARC theory that was previously advanced.

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