

The Surrealist Compliment Generator

Have any of yunz seen this site? It's fab.

The limpidity of your objections ever motivates my hunger.

This is scary.
Hermaphrodites around the galaxy desire that you turn your rock and crochet bowl to its loudest setting.

That's what just came up for me in teh generator. Hit refresh on yuor browser for a new compliment. Many are absurdly outlandish.

Your eyes glow like naked livers burning in the sun.
Soft sausages would gladly procreate in the bathwater of your verisimilitude.
You are the Ayatollah of Confusion on the night of Divali.
a friend always...

wait a minute!

I, um...

hey everyone, it's Flav O Flav
Never pet your dog when it is on fire!
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