

Blogziety pt 2

9. When you find you've posted three times in a row and feel like maybe you need a different hobby.

10. When you start dreaming about the people involved with the blog. For instance, someone might have a dream that Ian was arrested for downloading too many animal pictures from the internet (apparently 20MB is the legal limit). So Joe, Ginger and Tim had to take a road trip to get him out of jail. They raced across the country in Tim's convertable Rolls Royce, with Joe standing on the running board by the spare tire. There was something about Anne in there too, but I forget....um... I mean hypothetically someone might forget.

I feel your pain, to quote The Great Man. My family is out of town for a week and a half and I have NO distractions from cleaning my office (this summer's big project) save the damn computer, and things are QUIET!!! It's killing me. I'm forced to look up stuff on eBay as a way of avoiding doing anything useful. AND, I think I might add, JOE, I notice I am not in your japanese thingy OR your dreams, so on top of everything else, I am offended. You might give a little more attention to the only other person on the blog!
Just back from a 48-hour stint at Prairie View Blogoholics Rehab Center run by the Order of Benevolent Luddites. (Thanks to Dr. Tim for helping me see I had a "problem.")

Anyway, they taught me this pledge that I thought I'd share:

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot blog,

the courage to blog the things I can,

and the blog to teach me the wisdom to know the difference."
Are you supposed to be here?
It's okay. I know I have a problem, but I can handle it.
Really, I can.
Actually Kim, you are in the Japanese - "Kim is a singer" but for some reason your name, my name, Jeff's name and Chip's name translate into something in Japanese (and then don't translate back if you put the text into Babelfish).

I'm positive you were in the part of the dream I forgot - not because it was forgettable but because some things are better left in the subconscious.
Christ! Joe, most of my life is best kept in the subconscious
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