

Bin and I-Man

My camera's battery died- so I couldn't take any pictures (here is a re-creation). Bin and I-Man also met this weekend in Maryland (with a special guest appearance by Nell's little brother Ed and his wife!.

Yes, in fact, it's true- the word "fabulous" was originally coined for Ginger and it still fits her to a t!

We drank red wine and chased an train together.

Well, you two look just great. Interesting what an evening of red wine can do for you.

Seriously, I'm glad you had fun, can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks.
Ian's show was wonderful and the venue was really interesting. We had so much fun just gabbing.

I also got to watch Ian squirm while an "unauthorized" preshow music act consisting of an electric mandolin, a trumpet, a trombone and a guy dressed up in a faded Tony the tiger Halloween costume made painful noises. I had flashbacks of Ian in his wilder days. He actually handled it with grace and let them do one more song before the act was canned.

Ian truly has turned into such a wonderful man with such wit, charm and uncanny wisdom. I want to grow up to be just like him.
Ian grew up?

(this is meant to be a compliment)
What was this show? Sorry, I missed something.
King Lear. I loved it!

"King Lear, directed with clarity and intelligence by Ian Gallanar, is well worth seeing. The Chesapeake Shakespeare Company deserves praise for its daring and energy in tackling it."- -William Hyder, The Baltimore Sun
"Gallanar deserves cudos for being the first director in this century to conceive of Lear as a Rip Taylor-esque faded celebrity, struggling to get a laugh with every available prop. When all else fails, he disinherits his daughter while wearing plaid pants and waving an extremely large brassiere over his head. Gallanar is a conceptual directing talent; I'll be watching his career carefully."
-Undead NY Times
"Lear kicks butt...and dies! Loved it. Galager is a *&$@ing genius."
--Ty McGary, Indiana Gazette
All of yun's can bite me- bite me a lot (except Ginger).
My brother Ed also loved the show. Plus he was happy no one kicked him out after arriving late, opening cans of soda during the quiet scenes, and then uncorking his wine with a huge pop! (He says you guys rock!)

And I just ran into Ty at the car wash. He'll be happy to bite your butt anytime Gallager!
Sorry Ian. I'm just mad 'cause I wanted the part of Lear and you cast me as the doctor who comes on at the end and says, "Yep, Helen Keller's dead." Really though, I'm impressed. The last part I had (ever) was the King...in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, so I can't imagine having anything to do with Lear. And no, I don't want to bite you. My nose would get in the way.
Nell your brother and his wife were really cute.

Maybe you could invite Ty to come east with you next weekend. I haven't seen him since he and Kenny Karpick got into a fight at a Rec dance. Anybody remembers those?? They were held above Luxembourg's with a real DJ and everything.
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