

Blogziety (blahg-ZY-eh-tee) n.

1. Anxiety attack produced by forgetting your user name or password or anything else that makes you have to ask Joe for help.
2. Stress caused by belief that you have to be funnier and hipper than Tim, zanier and thoughtful than Ian, nicer and more energetic than Kim, sweeter than Nell, more witty and can-do than Liza, more patient AND zany AND intellectual than Joe, more winningly effusive than Neen, and more gorgeous than Ty McGary in order to post anything.
3. The feeling that people who aren't blogging pity you for doing it--that, in fact, they are having a non-bloggers party this minute at the Coney and making fun of you and your latest entry because Noker has set up an internet station with a big screen that projects your blog thoughts and photos to everyone walking and driving down Philadelphia Street.
4. Fear that a once-regular blogger has gotten bored and moved on to more useful pursuits, such as offering 2-for-1 hernia operations for kids named Ethan.
5. The creeping panic that blog will be abandoned entirely by everyone, and you'll have to face your real life, such as offering 2-for-1 hernia operations for kids named Ethan and moonlighting as a medical malpractice lawyer to collect if the parents don't pay you for your medical work.
6. The sneaky sensation that, ultimately, Mr. "Godot" Tabish will finally show up at the blog that bears his name and say "Whoa, folks!"
7. The hyperactive feeling that you keep thinking up definitions for "blogziety" and have to edit your post even after you've posted it because you have more time these days--or act like it--because you've just moved and you're actually unemployed in the Prairie State until August 23, when school starts, which feels way to early.

Locust collect belt orb
Definition #8: feelings of shock and awe when your blog adminstrator (not to be confused with his buddy in Maryland) writes an anagram on "bottle collectors club."
wow. Nice catch Jeff
-Hi, my name is Jeff.
-Hi Jeff.
-And I'm a blog addict.
-We're here for you, Jeff.
Addendum to #2: "...have to be as shrewd as Jeff..." How in the heck did you catch those anagram?

Addendum to Blogziety: "Feeling of panic of needing to comment on a cool blog, but not being able to get to the freakin' computer for days, then upon finally reaching Tabishland being faced with the choice of blogging on original blog or its spawn."
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