

From DRT: Thank you for party.doc

July 15, 2006

Dear Sendracians,
(I believe that is the name you’ve given yourselves though I’d say simply --FOLKS!!)

On the evening of June 17 as I stood before so many of you, I said I was speechless. I meant that not for the moment, but truly for all time. There is nothing I can say that could express how thrilled I was to see so many of you (and to know others were responding by mail or email) and how touched I was with the overwhelming effort all of you along with Irene had put forth over so many months.

That night I told a few of you that I have regularly and, most recently, frequently dreamed that I could once again bring together those people who comprised my wonder years – the creative core of responsible, commited individuals who peopled my efforts to shape a drama program at Indiana Senior High. Yet, each time I dared to dream of such a reunion, I would immediately tell myself it could never happen; it would be impossible to bring together so many busy people from so many far off places all on the same date.

I believe I announced that night that I had taken time to sit in the auditorium during my last day of teaching—an action I always knew would be a part of my last day at the senior high. As I sat there, I saw you all building sets, hanging lights, carrying costumes, changing sets, dancing, singing, carrying out elaborately choreographed stage business, and, of course, “leaning in”!!!!!! It was as close as I thought I would ever get to having so many of you before my eyes all at once. In fact, in reality you were never all there at once but in my mind, you somehow all intertwined and became one wonderful memory of an era past. Irene and I are always amazed when one of you who is so vivid in our memories doesn’t recall someone else. In our minds, our memories, and our hearts, you are all part of one wonderful eight year experience.

My rather demanding rehearsal and performance schedule over the past two weeks combined with both the desire to make this thank you note “profound” and my complete inability to even reach, let alone use, the blog without hours of painful error has delayed an online response. I apologize for the delay!

I am so touched by every note, every comment, every gesture which you have extended in person, by mail and electronically. Irene and I have read the many stories and “insults” over and over, and it continues to delight us; unfortunately, our friends have also been able to garner quite a bit of ammunition from your comments and quips. I am so touched by your efforts!

The production of The Cherry Orchard is over and as many of you may have read from the review, it was very well, received. Unfortunately, I am no more “profound” in my thoughts than I ever might have been if I had rushed to write this note. Yet believe me, what I fail to say in words will live on in my heart forever. Your extended gesture has fulfilled a dream and will remain one of the great events of my life.

As I look through the Playbill, I am amazed at the wonderful, varied and productive lives you are all living, including the many twists, turns and challenges that each of you has embraced. I am also thrilled that you have been able to come back together and still delight in each others presence. A theme the evening of the party and repeatedly on the blog site (is that what it is called?) is that the experience not only emphasizes how you were all so closely connected to Irene and me but rather just how much you meant and still mean to each other. I must reemphasize that idea by saying that as wonderful as each of you are to me individually, it is your collective presence in my life that has given it such meaning and richness.

I could go on forever and would never feel that I had satisfactorily thanked each of you. So let me simply say once again that to reconnect with so many of you was one of my greatest dreams and is now one of my fondest memories.

I am afraid this note will not reach many of you, as you are no longer checking the blog (you do have lives, you know) or like me you don’t blog. It still seemed like the only way to thank everyone at once. Please pass this on if you know someone who does not do the blog thing.

Do stay in touch. I have some of your addresses, but if not, please send me an email and regular mail address (not just email address) which I would love to have. We love hearing from you and would love to keep in touch and informed of your lives and adventures.

Finally, from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you.

Most Fondly,


Dave- we all have so much to say, etc... etc..., but I'm sure it'll have to wait a bit. Ginger, Kim, nell, Tim and myself are meeting in Wahsington DC this weekend to extend tabishpalooza just a bit longer.
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