

"Sulu, set your coordinates for the Sendracian star system."

Probably a bad sign when Star Trek stuff starts showing up in a blog. This could be its death knell (rhymes with "nail"). I'll leave the new postings to others now, having sucked most of the oxygen out of the room.

The fortuitous juxtaposition of the photos on this blog caught my eye. Notice the striking similarities between The Cap'n and the Director's postures in these pictures. Coincidence? I think not.

And you thought conspiracy plots were confined to this sector.

Liza, your Starfleet Academy bumpersticker is showing.
Actually, I am much more of a (vintage) Star Wars person - as Gracie/Grace has recalled--
I have a button that says
"Darth Mom"

Think Starfleet Academy has a theater deparment? Can you imagine their tech? Dang.
I appreciate the juxtaposition now that you point it out. And didn't DT used to say stuff like "I already have a female to worry about. And her name is Ginger."?
And there's that one episode of Star Trek where Mr. Spock says "Whoa folks!" just before a bunch of no name extras get fried into brown powder by an alien death ray.
Perhaps, also, what I thought was Kirk's middle name is actually "Tabirius" ...and dare I mention the episode Mirror, Mirror?

It has taken me this long to finally remember that I do own a bumper sticker that says Starfleet Academy.
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