

Found on the Internet

Can you be so "internet famous" that the most mundane picture of you possible is on the web? Apparently so.

Wow--rare footage of the Bottle Collector's Club Reunion Road Trip!
Thanks, Kim!
You Bottle Collectors are so exclusionary- always have been.

(black-ballin' bastards)

Ooop, did I type that last thing accidentally? Sorry- I meant, come on you guys, I just want to collect bottles in an organizational format. Is that so wrong?
Boy Kim, you DO have way too much time on your hands. I have just the thing for you .....
I'm on a junior faculty tour for UNC in 1991. Went arounds the state on a bus for 5 days with the chancellor learning about the state (tabaccy, furniture, NASCAR) singing kum-bay-ya.
That's me on Chimney Rock near where they filmed Last of the Mohicans; Lake Lure is in the background (where they filmed that Patrick Swayze/Jennifer Grey movie???). Boz, Ginger and Jennie are on the horizon near Greensboro and Winston-Salem, Eric is even further out on the coast.
So, do you find lots of interesting bottles?
"Mister Anthony Bovino hails from the Land of Lincoln."

"Ricky Bobby's from the Tahrhill State."

"Bottle collecting is an engaging pastime for the active retiree."

Your choice, 3 ways:
-as an excitable hairdresser
-as an erudite musicologist
-as a fascistic soupmaker
Your eyes shine with the greed of a misplaced tea strainer.
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