

Post #97

This is post #97. That's three more to #100. Tim, Jeff, Ian and I are not allowed to make post #100. So this blog will stop in two more posts unless some other folks jump in. If one of those guys makes #100, I'll keep deleting them until someone new makes one.

Geoff, Kurt, Ron, Boz, Roseann, Anne, Dave.

wow...you really do sound like a teacher...:O)ah shucks..it's summertime joe!
This is the perfect time for Mister Tabish to show up...a grand entrance if you will...Blog # 100...could he have planned any better??? Everybody lean in...
I just had a great late night idea...since I have happily discovered that I am NOT the only T.C. blogstudent in Tabishland (I was worried)coupled with the fact that Joe seems to be exhibiting just a little bit of T.C.B.S. frustration (I can prove that because I usually get a nice, cheery, patient and prompt response to one of my 5000 blogtech questions...but this time...nothin'...absolutely nothin'...and didn't Jeff just say that Joe actually virtual yelled at him??? And that Jeff is soooo upset about it that he can't even write Bin/Tim's Jewish rock opera or something like that?)
Anyway, Joe, I was thinkin' that maybe we would all listen a little better, read a little more carefully, even take notes if we had to, if we had some kind of incentive/reward/self-esteem booster that you would give us when we actually got something right...tootsie rolls work really well and stickers (especially sparkley ones) absolutely rock. I know Tim would work for stickers, and Ian probably would too, and I think that Nell after her incredibly hard work week would love a sticker or two...and Mister Tabish, he was a high school teacher, so he knows all about stickers and tootsie rolls...
Ahhh, whoops, I forgot, I am talking about The Mister Tabish...well okay, scratch him, but I bet everyone else would get writing motivated if there was a scratch-n-sniff at the end of the tunnel...
Do you need any?
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