

Blogaholics Anonymous

Forget the Skype and Joes other techno gear head stuff, how about some cheap gossip:

And a funny site about sniglets (viz a viz "blogziety"):

I can't look at these other sites because it'll send me right back to rehab, but I'm writing to report that I woke up this morning to see a huge red circular blog advancing west (from Pennsylvania?) and gobbling up acres of tassled corn along the way.

Looking at the Clustr Map, I sense that it may be emanating from Joe's basement. Or is it the BCC's reunion road trip, still going from 1991? Or Ian's "70s Show" entourage? Or all the red wine that Nell, Ginger, and Ian spilled in their farflung debaucheries?
Did I say "blog"? I meant "blob."

I'm going back to the Luddites.
Oh man. Back to back commenting. You're in bad shape. Please, whatever you do, DO NOT visit thesuperficial.com. For god's sake get out and visit a corn maze or a pancake breakfast at the grange or something.

Maybe Nell should be your designated blogger for awhile. Ritalin and red wine also works well for PTBD. Hang in there, buddy.
Sniglets??.....I thought that passed when Rich Hall stopped doing stand up.

Didn't he join the Bottle Collectors Club?
Your pendulous thorax makes cellists envious of the rotund sounds emanating from your nose in D minor.
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