

Bat Phil = Zelig

I was really surprised to come across this photo.

I just had a flashback - didn't Jeff Magee used to do a Mussolini imitation?
Oh yes- we used to slip it into publicity pictures- seriously.

Jeff Magee is the Frank Gershon of Facist Dictator Impressionists. You should see his Pinochet- freakin' hilarious.
Mommy: Philip, who's that in the picture?
Philip: Me?
Mommy: So, who's this guy over here?
Philip: I dunno!
Mommy: And who's this guy?
Philip: I dunno!
(Philip quickly exits stage right clutching Hershey bar)

Apparently BatPhil himself is not surprised by the picture.
It's Benito Mussolini and his aide, Franco "Buckeye" Russo on their famous "Who Makes The Best Pizza In the Axis?" tour of Italy.
Liza, is your picture that of the evil Sponge Bob drawing that scared everyone in that episode where Patrick and Bob find a discarded pencil in Bikini Bottom?
Oi. That does look like Doodlebob. Miranda is scared of that episode - we have to skip it on the DVD.

And before anyone asks, yes, I watch Spongebob with my daughter. My wife thinks it's an idiotic cartoon. I also use Spongebob in my class to teach the concept of creating "true worlds" with sound effects. My students think I'm idiotic.

I know for a fact Chip watches Spongebob too, though I don't know if Adrienne watches it with him.
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My favorite lyric of any song written over the past ten years:

"N is for neutron.... bombs."- Plankton

I actually gave this note to an actor in king Lear "Oswald is like....do you know who Squidward is?"
Actually N is for "No survivors". U is for Uranium...bombs.

It is, nonetheless, a classic lyric.
I raise may hand as a SpongeBob wather. Although as my daughter moves into her teen years, it is seen less. I do have a SpongeBob t-shirt! Plankton is my favorite character.

Of course, I also enjoyed Invader Zim. Does anyone here know the lyrics to "The Doom Song"?
And now, some words from my daughter, Emily, who will straighten everyone out on the various Sponge Bob episodes. Take it away, Em.

Hey everyone!
First of all, the Doom Song's lyrics are:
F is for fire that burns down the whole town
U is for uranium...bombs
N is for no survivors when...(cuts off)

Also, "The Doom Song" didn't appear in the same episode as DoodleBob made his appearance. "The Doom Song" is the song that Plankton sings in response to SpongeBob's original "FUN Song" because he can't handle all of SpongeBob's happiness and happy-go-luckiness, along with the fact that SpongeBob has friends and Plankton really doesn't.

F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for aNywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea.

DoodleBob (also known as FrankenDoodle)IS the drawing that SpongeBob drew with the magic pencil that fell when the crazy artist on a boat dropped it. Liza's picture does look like DoodleBob, although DoodleBob was much creepier. He terrorized SpongeBob and Patrick until SpongeBob wisely trapped him on a piece of paper and shut him in a book stating of DoodleBob, "He was a simple, two-dimensional creature, lost in our three-dimensional aquatic world, longing for a purpose."

Scary that I remember all that.
"The Doom Song" is from Invader Zim. Plankton's lyrics are all part of "The F.U.N. Song". Nell, you need to let Emily watch a lot more TV.
The Doom Song and other Invader Zim sound bites can be found here:


It is related to SpongeBob only because of animation and Nickelodeon.
Yeah, I'm going to make Em close those books and lay on the sofa. She studies too much. Maybe if I get her into a TV production class...
Ian (et al),
While he is a Spongebob fan, Philip likes to draw monsters. The pic is actually of Frankenstein-- I cropped him from a larger work in which he is flanked by Dracula and Wolfman.

(His pic of me is much too scary for the blog).
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