

More bittersweet Jr High memories

I'm trying to remember why I chose Trapping Club over, say, Bottle Collectors. Maybe b/c I had just moved to Indiana and was feeling isolated and friendless, the militia/survivalist ethic appealed to me. But as a bleeding heart animal lover it doesn't make sense now. Perhaps Mr Bovino was just too....European for me. But, 1972....plaid....I'm way ahead of the fashion curve. Although Ron's two-tone pullover is very cutting edge and Rich's eyeglass frames would be the envy of the haberdashers at the 700 Shop.

Bottle Collector's club. I just want to type that one more time so that it sinks in: Bottle Collector's Club.

Bottle Collector's Club
Suddenly the Ecology Club is looking a lot less dorky.

When I hear "trap" I think "lint"
Bottle Collector's Club
Uh oh. Notice both the Honor Society and the Bottle Collectors had their picture taken in front of the same bookshelves in the library.... And the third book over from the gap in both photos (near bottle collectors Ivan Stefanik's head) is titled "Scientology, Mime and Control of Gloabal Energy" by Davidinci Tabi--- (the rest is cut off)... I don't like this one bit.

And an anagram for my word verification comes out...."ubermime"....
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