

Anagrams, anyone?

Follow the link in the title to more mindless fun. The best one for "Dave Tabish" is "I shaved Tab" which sounds like part of that dream Jeff was describing.

in wet mire
Bad diva shit
His bad vat id
Write in me
Nell Hoffman is unanagramable I think, though Helen yields:

Hen of half men.

I just remembered Gene Haldeman, who often did anagrams in his head in the Green Room at IUP. He also was good at saying words backwards.
Celt tolls October. (And I knew you wouldn't get much on me.) I'll work on Gene.
vat beadish
tad veadish
dish tad eav
vita shabed
Deaf Fogy, teen heart-throb
Oops, were these supposed to make sense, or is this a surreal thang?
slew a ballou
Wow. NINE comments in 60 minutes.
hanmanns rice,
jerks inn ice.
Timer wine,
Chop jorda nine.
Naked Rove,
Deth du r

(Sorry for this ghastly image, esp. to nice guys of class of '77.

(Ok, I've really got to stop now.)
Weird. I just put in "paint the set brown" and it spit out "Noker hid the Lost Ark in the stage crew lounge".

And somebody named God is telling me to invade Iran.
Ann healed Meg

It took a while 'cause I was at work and I can't do this at work, so I was on Don's laptop-no one cares about that 'cause he's a consultant not an employee-and he came back from a meeting and needed to do some real work not anagrams. This is my blogziety.
Geez, for a second there, I thought Dubya was going to invade IAN. Phew. But maybe that's next. Iraq, Iran, Ian: anyone see a pattern?
Sorry - I realized the haiku was missing some letters. That's what happens when you try and look like you're paying attention to the meeting while doing anagrams.

Soooo, to repost:

Joe said...

"Can you tell I have my laptop in a really boring meeting? Thinking of Gene and anagrams, I remember we used to think of funny haikus.

An inner chasm
Praise Pizazz, local bamboo
Cretin! Boil! Cry "Muck"!

and of course:
conjoined harp "
Where is Tim when you need a good conspiracy theory? "Iraq, Iran, Ian." You are ON to something, Jeff. Maybe Ian was named after Iran, even.

Is Ian who we think he is? Hmmm..... I always thought that blond hair was a little TOO blond....
Clean mellon.

I was just using the wrong name.
Thanks! I wondered if you'd figure that out! We're having melons for dinner.
Kim--Tim has been sweating it out all afternoon working on an anagram for "Liza Sibolboro Mezzacappa," his Pumas soaked in puddles of energy. Something to do with "a small zoo pizza"--kinda surrealist to keep E-mann happy.
rides camera rodeos
read monk sin
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