

JethroTull meets YouTube

Perhaps the real test of this blogs endurance will be the dreaded Tull crosslink (in the title). (There are other songs in the right hand menu for the other 3 remaining fans in the world.)

Oh. I love him. I should have named by kid after him after all. I just got new little Bose speakers for my computer, that sounded great. Thanks.
Okay. Kim and Tim are two of the three. Who's the third Tull fan? Don Wyne?
I can't claim to be a Tull fan, but I am here to attest that I attended a Jethro Tull concert with Tim Weiner and some other people--all of whom I forget except Tim (was it Mark Anderson?). I thought I was really smart when I noticed that a bass line in a Tull song matched that of a Chopin piece. It turned out to be a really, really common thing, and that I was, musically speaking, both a little bit observant and a lot stupid, which continues to this day. Kim (re: another post)--I am headed east through Indiana (one day: August 7) then to the beach in Avalon, NJ, then to NYC, where we will celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, thus continuing my Summer of Revisiting the Past while moving into my Land-of-Lincoln Future.
In Colemanland we love Jethro Tull. We have an attorney friend who is a Tull fanatic.
I attended a Tull concert at the civic arena in 81 or 82.
Jeff: sounds like you'll be making your way up the Jersey Turnpike. We are just a few miles from there, so you have to stop by, unless it's Aug 10 - 15, when we'll be away. Hopefully it's not, I'd love to see you and meet your wife and baby (and Ellen?)

The rest of you: We have to plan our fall gathering. The Orchestral Jethro Tull Concert is on October 21 and I'd like to go, unless that's our week-end
Kim--we (including Ellen) might actually take you up on that--on Aug. 17. Wouldn't be able to stay for long, but could do at least a drive-by meet-and-greet and blog photo op on the way. We'll actually be coming from my brother's in Doylestown, PA. (Yes, that's right, I'll be visiting THE Rich Magee of Junior National Honor Society fame, seen on the blogosphere earlier in the vicinity of the Bottle Collector's Club.) Then we'll have to whisk Ellen away for tea with Grandma at 4 p.m. at American Girl Place.
Perfect. I'm home and free that day. WOW! That'll be great.
I prefer much newer bands like the Boomtown Rats and Gang of Four- you know bands from 1979 instead of 1975.
Ian...did you mean to drop that comment here?

It can be tough remembering which post you respond to...
Jeff - - When in Downingtown try to get to the Victory Brewpub. Talk about a fabulous elixer. They make some of the best craft beer around. mmmmm....beeeeerrr
Eric--I'm going to DOYLESTOWN, but yes, if I'm in Downington, I'll try the Victory...maybe get my 2-year-old started early, too.

And yes, I think Ian meant to drop that comment here. Where would the blog be without a constant stream of non sequiturs?

Joe and Eric--I'm glad SOMEBODY knows about college searches. As a faculty member I don't have a clue.

Kim--great. Let's keep in touch. I'll need specific directions. But don't send to the blog, you might get riffraff from Tajikistan showing up at your house.

ALL--Hi. Sorry, this is starting to sound like e-mail. Should we go back to the Old Days of mass e-mails? Or maybe I should just excuse myself because I have nothing of general interest to say (like, for example, about alternate takes of Tull's lost Miles Davis Sessions)? I have a feeling my "first concert" would probably get laughed off the blog. (Not that I remember it.)
Partridge Family, eh?
I get your post, Ian. Just smile and nod your head....
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