

Post #98: Lurkers of the world unite

Other than Joe, Jeff, Janine, Ian, the Ukers at Squatney-on-Trent and the lonely geek in Albania is anybody else willing to admit they're still hiding in the shadows of the Tablog. Mocking us for not having lives.

Homeroom rollcall. Hands up please in the comments section if you still take delight in wasting a little time here. I'm hoping there be a least be one more person than the average audience number at the PVPlayhouse.

Isisisis anybodybodybody outoutout therererere?????

Tim you left me off! I made comments 2 times today, and I am waiting patiently for Joe, cause he has all my pics.
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Yes, yes, yes, Tim, I'm still here, wasting a few spare moments. And I have posted the occasional comment this week, too. I'm going to invoke the "tough work week" excuse here and hope that gets me off the hook for not being a blabby blogger.
Nell, I'm sorry about your tough work week...I've had enough time off to have already forgotten all about those kinds of weeks...
This morning/almost afternoon when I was in my make-the-big-decision-about-my-day mode (see blog # 95)someone rang my doorbell...and for some strange reason I thought it was you (The SUV outside really looked like the perfect haul-around-a-couple-teenagers-and-all-their-friends kind of car)AND I GOT SO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!! I speed dressed (see blog #95) and jumped down the steps two at a time...but it wasn't you...I was really disappointed...
So for some reason, clear out of the blue...I thought of you...and it made me happy...
Oh Neen, that's so sweet. I'm sorry it wasn't me then. I'll have to show up soon in the suburuban assault vehicle.
I'm counting about 6 or 7 of us still out there. Well more than the best audience for the PVP production of The Cherry Orchard. What a relief.
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