

Post #100: James T. Kirk Changes Middle Name

I, James T. Kirk, in gratitude to Tabishland and the big boost it has given my career, have decided to change my middle name from Tiberius....to.....Tabishland. Thank you. James Tabishland Kirk

Bottle Collector's Club
Who's paying you for this one Gern?

Hey Tim my word verification for this one was a one letter variation on the word "energy".
That wasn't even me- I would never spell Gern with an e
Who is Gern Blanston? And who is Ty McGarry? You guys are killing me.
Geez Kim, I'm hurt that you don't remember me. I was the assistant stage manager on FINDERS CREEPERS - I used to hand you your feather duster before you went onstage. I played third clarinet in the pit for FIDDLER, SOUND OF MUSIC and MY FAIR LADY. My locker was across the hall from yours in 11th grade - remember it had the picture of Steve Martin with the arrow through his head on it?
It's spelled Gurn, damnit!
Actually, it's not - its G-e-r-n. Look it up my friend.
Cough, cough, lesbian, cough, cough.
Hey, that's my line!
Total bummer, I just noticed that my idol, Cap'n Kirk, has man-boobs.
I'm so mad I could kick Pino's butt.
Now, Kip Welteroth I remember!!!
Who the heck is Kip Welteroth? That must be someone from the old people group (<1998).
We're ALL < 1998, darlin'.
It's so sad when the mind starts going... it obviously says <1978 but I guess for those that have old eyes the seven looks like a nine.
Yeah, I'll buy that.
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