

Caption Contest #1

Tim arm wrestles a guy on point (male ballerina who is not Geoff Day?) to win a date with Dorothy Hamill.

One of my great regrets in life was that in 1977, I sold an Alf Landon button to Mike Reilly for $5.

By the way, my Mom met Alf Landon at a child's Birthday party in Manhattan, Kansas in the early 1960's.
(My parents were staunch Roosevelt supporters so my Mom may have cursed at him- wouldn't be the first or last time my Mom cursed at a Republican)
Mike (aka "Sic Eddie") is a local Indiana politico and longtime Jenkins political rival. Mary Kay was trying to ride the women's lib coattails to Student Council VP. Notice my Puma sneakers with the unfocused Energy stains on them from standing in pools of it the night before at play practice.
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