

Who gets the next tribute blog?

JJ or Bill Hipkiss?

I dunno. A blog called Ralph Craig's Sideburns is pretty tempting.
Ralph retired this year with Mr. Tabish so that would be perfect! I myself vote for Ms. Thelma Gershwin; so ahead of her time. She taught me oh-so-well how not to sew.
A Blog for Mr. Harris

As every member of the track team laid on his back, Mr. Harris launched the "6-inch drill" with a long motivational speech in his resonant baritone voice, culminating in "...so if you've got what it takes, boys, lift 'em!"...followed by 6-inch whole-leg lifts to the count of...whatever Mr. Harris decided to count to. It was good for the abs. And then we all drank the kool-aid.
I cut off the row with Mr Anthony Bovino, French, so maybe he should be in the running too as a courtesy to Irene?
C Lee Edwards was always very cool except for the baby-face Elton John look. And is that Sherry's dad or Cher's former husband?

My word verification yields a very crude anagram.....
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