

A little help from my friends

While everyone's minds are in the 1970s, maybe someone can help out the Pino sibs. Like every Friday evening, the three of us were sitting around talking about Star Wars. Well, really, Sue mentioned that she'd made a joke that included "light saber" and my Mom was completely in the dark. Never heard of a light saber. So while we were trying to figure out how she never saw a Star Wars movie, I realized I don't remember going to see Star Wars. I know I saw it, but I can't remember who I saw it with or at what theater it played. Funny because I remember lots of movies very distinctly - where they played, who I went with, how many times I saw them - but Star Wars is a complete blank. I'm sure I probably went with Chip and/or Scott. Cathy went with Scott's sister Lori and remembers scads of details about the experience, except which theater it played. She thought it was at the "new" mall, but I don't think it was open then. Sue doesn't remember if she even saw it in its first run. (pah - little sisters...)
Did I go with anyone on this list? Does anyone remember? Liza, I know you must remember the theater, even with your bad memory, because I recall that you went and saw it fifty times....
Oh and if you've never seen this fan movie, you need to.

Anne K-M would know. yes she would.

The new mall wasn't open yet. I have very distinct memories of seeing Jaws at the regency mall and Star Trek 1 at the Manos (and, well, bedknobs and broomsticks several times at the Manos)- but no memory of Star wars. I think janine and I saw Apocolypse Now! at the Indiana theatre. maybe. I do remember seeing Airplane! there in 1980 with my roommate Lee Foster and two other people in the entire theater.
Well, you know we didn't see it together because we weren't best friends back then as we are now.

But I didn't see it at all. And I remember I was really irritated that I hadn't seen it because as a result, I missed about 10 years of pop culture references. "May the Force be with you" what the hell is THAT?

Maybe it wasn't in Indiana for very long.
I hate Star Wars
I would have to guess the theater was in the Regency Mall. Don't have a memory of it. But I'll ask my siblings-- they'll remember. When I get back to my parents place I'll check. I think I still have newpaper clippings of the theater listings.

Incidentally, MOO is my what my kids call me. That and Darth Mom. Now I'll have to call myself Darth Moo.
Oh, yeah, Joe, thanks for sending me back to rehab. I thought I was over my Star Wars addiction, but since the blog I've relapsed big time. Maybe Jeff can recommend an appropriate facility for me.

ps-- the moo reference in my previous post was triggered by the Ian's pic, for those who are reading the pictureless blog version.
It's not a cow! It's Kimba the White Lion.

Anyone remember- from Paul Shannon's Adventure Time on Channel 4?
The pre-anime Japanese cartoon?
So, what does Bimba the Brown Cow say? Hakuna Matata?
yeah- like Speed racer era.
Liza, I just got your Hakuna Matata joke. Nicely done, ese, nicely done.
Kimba was by Osama Tezuka, the Japanese Walt Disney, but better. He also did Astroboy, for any that remember. The Lion King is ripped lock stock and barrel from Kimba but Tezuka's estate refused to sue Disney because Mr. Tezuka held Walt in such high esteme they thought it would be dishonorable. You don't often find people with such strong principles in a world were everyone is grubbing for money. I bought a Kimba DVD a few years ago, just to see if I was remembering it accurately - I was - it is really quite good and very charming.

Anyone on the blog like Hayao Miyazaki? He's king at our house.
I loved the original Star Wars, and Kimba. I totally remember watching Paul Shannon's Adventure Time after school. We'd rush home, well as fast as you can rush from a school bus, to watch. I could swear that Star Wars played at the Indiana Mall, but you're right, it wasn't built then. Wow! I thought Jaws was at the Manos but maybe it was Regency.
A band of 14 year old thugs intercepted me on the way to the regency mall to see Jaws. I thought I was going to die-yea, again by stabbing. It is forever etched in my mind (which probably means that the reality is that while I was walking to Dicks Sweet Shop to meet my buddy Jim Gordon, the neighbor girl made fun of my pants)

I hated the stab-Ian club. Why were they always wanting to stab me?
They were just jealous.
And you wearing the "Stab Me! I'm a hippie from California!" tee shirt with the big target on the front didn't help matters.
But it was supposed to be ironic! Didn't they see that? It was like those "I'm with Stupid's Friend Sttupid" shirts that were never the rage.

Who's the king of deepest darkest Africa,(Afric)
Who's the one who brought the jungle fame,
Kimba lives in deepest darest Africa,(Africa)
Kimba the white lion is his name...

Why do I remember that AND Paul Shannon?
My siblings were of no help. So I'll still agree with Grac(i)e (on the Regency, not Mark Hamill.)
Alas, Grac(i)e, Star Wars was never for me the same after Solo became Duo.

Hayao Miyazaki? Did he do Totoro and Swept Away (is this the name??)? Loved the former, was frightened by the latter. I also was puzzled that characters weren't the usual good and bad guys (in Swept Away). Uh, hard to explain, must be a cultural difference. Haven't seen Howl's Castle. Weirdly attractive stuff.

Joke? What joke?

:) thanks - what's an "ese" ?
Miyazaki did do MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO and SPIRITED AWAY. One of the great things about his work, as you point out Liza, is that there isn't a clear line between good and evil. Bad characters usually have good qualities and the so called heros are often quite flawed. The best example of this is PRINCESS MONONOKE, in which those on the side of "good" (animal gods trying to save their forest) use very questionable tactics to achieve their goals, while the "evil" side (a city of humans) ultimately have the best interests of their people at heart. At and the end of the movie, the playing field is leveled, leaving no sides.

Also strong female characters and great, weird, facinating monsters.
a)Bimba the Brown Cow
b) ese is an effectionate term that means, well, "homes" in Spanish
as in Que Paso, ese?

Joe- You've been talking about how great anime is for, like, decades. It still looks like speed racer to me.
Unrelated factoids:
-when we moved from the Phila suburbs, I had to give up Wee Willie Weber for Paul Shannon and he didn't show 8-Man or Aquaboy. There's a play about life out of the studio for these afternoon cartoon show hosts in here somewhere, Ian. David Lynch stuff...
-got to see the cheesy Shannon set in the studio corner when I represented Indiana on Jr High Quiz WITH RICCCKKYYY WERTZ. Nice picture of the team with me looking very sartorial in a yearbook. Maybe Sherry can sell pieces of the set on eBay for us to buy.
-easy one: name a famous graduate from the 'burgh's own Mister Rogers Neighborhood?
-the first run of Jaws was at the Manos. I also saw GWTW there (with the intermission) and Papillion with GD before it closed. Star Wars was at the Regency.
-what was Kimba's girlfriends name?
-one of my jobs is to get venous access (semipermananent IVs: "lines") is small babies; my partners call me "Timba, the Line King"
Speed Racer is representative of the first wave of anime (along with Kimba - his girlfriend was Kitty, Tim). Big eyes and fast cutting and jerky motion. Miyazaki is second wave. And don't get me wrong, most anime is crraappp. But the good stuff is years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of visual storytelling. But yeah, all those movies look the same...

I used to know an addict that was called Timba the Line King - any relation?

And while we're on it, "Kimba-lou"?
That's why we got started on Kimba- Kim no longer wanted me to use Constance Kunkle's pic, so I chose Kimba instead.
I was called Kimba by some of my Aunts as a kid and I loved Kimba the White Lion. I wanted to BE Kimba the White Lion. Something about pureness and goodness, I guess.

I was named "Kimbalou" by my dear friend Andy Wood about 12 or 13 years ago, who is from England and has probably never heard of K the W L, so who knows where that came from?

However, to bring it full-Connie-circle, he used to endlessly watch and imitate home shopping when he got here, because it he thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen, and truly American.
And you can purchase these fine figurines- each signed by designer Andy Wood for the very low price of $12.99. If we can get a close up of this- the latest in the collectors series of "Enchanting Mollusks" you'll notice that the whelks are each equipped with a pair of "praying hands."

HAN: Hey, what's goin' on?

Leia attempts to stifle her sobs and wipes her eyes.

LEIA: Nothing. I - just want to be alone for a ittle while.

HAN:(angry)Nothing? Come on, tell me. What's goin' on?

She looks up at him, struggling to control herself.

LEIA: I...I can't tell you.

HAN: Did you tell Luke? Is that who you could tell?

LEIA: I...

HAN: Ahhh...I'm sorry.

LEIA: Hold me.
How long have I been out?
Ian: Bien gracias, ese!

Joe: I forgot about Princess Mononoke. I will never again make the mistake that just because a cartoon has the word "Princess" in the title, doesn't mean it won't have bloody exploding limbs and gore spattered countryside.

Timba: God bless those surgeon's paws.

Grac(i)e: :) :) :) :) :) :)

I think we've established the answer to the original post was "Regency", yes?
Welcome back to the blog Anne. Thanks for having the clear memory of this.
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