

For the hard to buy for person pt 2

who thinks of these things and why isn't it me?


Can this blog survive as a BB site?

It's late fall when folks in NC get "religion" again. If Emily comes to UNC, I'm sure we can hook Nell into this. Plus Julianne, Ian, Ginger and everyone who's driven to Disney World or South of the Border have NC connections. I'd be glad to keep you up-to-date on Roy and the boys.

Sorry about the DICKY V!!!!! link. Speaking of Franklin Street, there's probably 25,000+ Halloweeners up there right now. I'm hoping the ER stays calm....


Video with a nice NC vibe

-Connells are out of Raleigh
-Other big pop star out of there was KC (of the Sunshine Band)
-Other big name out of Broughton HS is Shavlik Randolph (tanked at Duke, went pro against everyone's advice, wasn't drafted but now sees good time playing for the Phila 76ers)
-Athens GA (Chapel Hill South) of course gave us REM, B-52s and Pylon
-who's big in Squirrel Hill, Morganton, or Northern Jersey (besides Bon Jovi)?


Is Tabishland a living organism?

Or just 6 or 7 people with an internet addiction?

The graphic is kind of cool....


How animal hoarding starts

It's not really nine dogs, since Magoo, the Tabish-esque Jack Russell, doesn't consider himself a dog and Gustav is Jimmy Moody's dog (from up Jim Moody Road) who likes to come visit the gang. The other ones are Laika, Toby, Koby, Alex, Max, Oscar and Sasha.

I'm always open to new, good dog names.... People figure if they abandon their animals at the Baptist church across from us, then it's morally OK.

Oh, the girl in the middle is Meredith. She's been watching the Dog Whisperer and thinks she's the "pack leader".



Blog Store

For your holiday needs. I don't make money on these; they are all base priced. I can only make one of each product, feel free to request.

And yes I totally plundered the blog - yell if you are mad, I'll delete. I couldn't put any copyrighted stuff on either.

Yes, I am bonkers.


HS is never really over

We're not the only ones working through lingering issues.



Where I Went Wrong

Instead of playing paper triangle football with Jim Duncan, I should have been paying attention to the movies in health class. I always thought it was the Manos Theater, The Omni Disco and Convention Center or nix. Oh the opportunities I wasted!


Take five

When I need a break at work, I shut the door to my office and put on this little instructional video to help me unwind.



improving the classics

Photoshop contest that was about putting superheros into famous works of art. Some are pretty darn funny.

On a less funny note, if you haven't seen this article about the 10 worst congressmen you probably should. Maybe not. It's frankly sad - Ian couldn't make up things this outrageous. Canada's looking better every day.



Before this goes completely to the dogs...

And it's not like I don't have puppy photos to share, but I came across something in my files from 1978. Here's the crew of "The Mouse That Roared". Note Emperor Taylor on his throne.
Lots of familiar faces here. I'll do my best to put names on them, but several are lost to time. Question marks after names indicate uncertainty...I think. Click on the image for a larger version.

From the left and going across the back for those who are standing: Gary Shearer, Jeff Stahl, LeAnne Hilty(?), Linda Heiges(?), unknown, Anthe Moss, unknown, Kevin Taylor's sister who's first name I've forgotten, Eric Hansmann/Steve Martin.

And the jumble in front of those standing goes something like this. Laurie Greenwald, Ian Gallanar (in costume and apparently hiding), unknown, Pat Murray, Kevin Taylor, Jane Weiner, Roseanne Rife (nearly hidden), Jim Thompson, Scott Telford behind Jim.

I am soooo glad I've had some coffee this morning or else I wouldn't have gotten most of those names.

I had to offer a better image of Ian here as he had an outrageous mustache for this show. It's pretty cool how you can scan and zoom.

He always liked those medals he wore for this show....

You may now begin commenting.



Rising to Gracie's Challenge - My Beasts (n/i husband and kids)

Buddy, our latest. He is a beagle, and we have one other beagle, so I was able to claim we fulfilled the "four large dog" limit we've had for the past few years because really, we have three and two-half dogs. All of our dogs were rescued from shelters. Buddy is an old dog, and the only dog we've ever had who purrs.

The black lab mix is Andrew. He is very, very uptight. He half lays on the couch sometimes so he can move very quickly if needed. He always has to have something in his mouth, kinda like a nervous smoker. Once, I gave him his own business cards to carry around. You think I'm kidding.

Portia is on the left. She is the most gentle dog we've ever had, but I got a letter from my homeowner's insurance yesterday saying they're cancelling us because we have a Shepherd Mix. Not very fierce looking, is she? The lovely Carmen. This was taken at the "Golden Retriever Rescue Reunion," "Woofstock." Oscar is to the right, aka "Baby O." He is simply the most ill-behaved dog on the planet, but a hoot.



More about SecondLife

You may have to do a free register for the NYTimes to read it.



Some people just deserve what they get.

Part of me wishes I felt bad about enjoying this, but the other part of me says "you reap what you sew."


A Loose Picture

I found another picture loose in the box. Talk about your schmactin'!



High School Homecoming - WV style

Morgantown High School had their homecoming this past weekend and Ed was pretty excited. He and Brynne enjoyed the festivities, even while he suffered through the total agony of wearing a tie AND having the top button buttoned on his dress shirt. Somehow, the world did not end and he actually had a great time.

The photos came from Brynne's parents, so we don't really know why this photo was taken. But it is damn funny.


High School Homecoming

Here is Emily with her date Greg. They went out for dinner with a group of 16(!) before the dance and had a great time at the dance.


It was a Homecoming Weekend in Indiana

Anyone remember Homecoming Weekends? There is still a parade, a football game and many drunken co-eds. This year, you IUP Grads have something in common with a famous YouTube co-founder. (After you click the link, go to the Archives for October 14th, page 1 and then page 14.)



Is this mic on????

I just wanted to see if I could actually connect to the blog! I think I did it!

AND...I actually uploaded a picture, also!!!! Fishing, anyone?



Draw a Pig Personality Test

Ted Hurd sent me this personality test. I was impressed because: I am SUCH a poor artist that anything that can ever be determined from a drawing of mine is nothing short of miraculous regardless of the outcome. AND it said great things about me.



Recycling Old High School Pictures for the Betterment of the Community III


Recycling Old High School Pictures for the Betterment of the Community II

I saw this one on the bus.


I Hate to Shop

....but internet shopping takes some of the sting out of it. Joe and Liza have posted sites; let's go all the way with it. Tell us about some great internet stores, either for holiday or everyday shopping, unique gifts or necessities.

(Nell is out of town until Sunday but we expect to hear from you when you get back, Nell)



as the holiday season approaches 2

For you chocophiles and the chocophiles you love.

(They have a brand called "Dagoba"-- Yoda's probably the CEO)


As the holiday season approaches...

here's something for that hard to buy for person on your list. Especially if they are geeky. Like me. And you.


Recycling Old High School Pictures for the Betterment of the Community



aging gracefully, Kirk-style

Sorry, couldn't help it. My bro sent me this.



Birthday Wishes, Compliments of G.D. and Friends

Ian, ye of little faith. I wouldn't have let you hang up there for TOO long.
Anyway, check this out. Not only do I have many of your signatures (including the elusive EJ), but look at the letterhead!!
The question of the hour: who is "Peter Pan?"


Sgt. Schultz from Hoagn's Heroes

I had to get that picture off the top of the blog, so ...

the lovable Sgt Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. How can we really hate facism and nazis if we get to know Schultzie? See, they weren't all bad. Some were cute and adorable.

Share your favorite Sgt Schultz story!



Here He Is......

I have started to go through the boxes in my basement today, although I'll not go through everything. Probably just loosely browse and then put it all away to get out another time. There are letters from most of you, funny, sad (esp. the ones from Jeff Davis and Gene) and interesting - sort of puts a new perspective on some things.

But I figured Ian should get the honors since he started it. So here he is, with a letter as well.



Calling Dr. DeFabo

And the real reason Dr. DeFabo hasn't joined the blog: illegible typing.

The cartoon of Dave kinda looks like a cross between cartoons from HiLights Magazine and The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. (Who's with me on that one?...anyone? Where's Robb Kipp when you need him?)


We interrupt this embarrassing nostalgia...

Nerd site of the day. For those in need of a high-minded excuse to use when chastised for checking their email all day long.

I'm 20 days into Don Quixote.

Excuse me, I'm late for the AV club meeting.


Letters From EMann and Gene!

Is it me or do these letters have a certain "Son of Sam" quality to them? I think both letters are from summer of 1978. and Eric....Bill Bruford?


Found item #6

Discovered another cache of Sr and Jr High newspapers recently. Can't explain why we saved this stuff. Anyway, some marginally interesting items follow....


Found item #5 (Future musicologist)


Found item #4

Kim your arms remind me of The Darkness video where the lead guitar drops out of the ceiling into his hands.


Found item #3


Found item #2


Found item #1



Julianne- wish you could have come to Tabishpalooza

And because it is fitting to the blog!


Janine Was Always Moving

Which move was this Janine? Any recollections? Maybe around 1982?


I Got No Offers, So Here Is The First One

The last page of a letter written by Kim (&Tim who wanted to save the stamp) at a rehearsal of Cherry Orchard summer of 1978. I was spending a couple of months in Eastern PA.


Post 302

This is post 302. No need for a committee when you have a dictatorship.

So your last post is sort of like a blog "baker's dozen", an extra one just in case.



OR IS THIS 300????????

So if I look over the count from the last numbered enty, perhaps the last count is wrong and this is 300. Just wanted to be official. Please enter nominations for who should go back and count and be sure to justify your nominations with statements of character support. Perhaps a committee should be nominated. Waiting for suggestions on how to proceed.




(# 300)
I have been requested to do the honors for blog #300. While I can offer some reflection, my words will match neither the wit nor wisdom which this site has generated. Often when I read your blogs (if I actually understand them -- much like the old Funny Men Named Bruce era), I sit imagining the blogger ( ?or is it bloggite?), sitting at the computer in sheer delight. It is so obvious you are all having fun reconnecting with each other and with the past! Speaking of which, Irene and I had dinner with Roseanne Rife last week. She looks great and is very happy in China. It was good seeing her and I hope it encourages some of you others to make contact with me if you are in town. For now (since I am suppose to generate dialogue), can anyone remember the time you saw me at my happiest back in the theater days at IHS? In other words, can anyone recall me smiling???????? Peace --- tab



(#299) Somebody tell DRT, he's up

The innocence of the Tabishland era or why Ian had a bad w/e or what's wrong with globalization.


If you happen to be in Siler City on Nov. 4

For the last several years Meredith and I have burned brushpiles from the summer as part of a faux Guy Fawkes celebration. Residents and colleagues stop by to drink beer, burn trash, shoot off real fireworks (from SC) and participate in the wanna-be redneck insanity. After nearly burning up the county last year, my Chairman, a nationally-recognized burn surgeon, refuses to attend anymore.

If the weather is anything short of a huricaine, we plan to start in the early evening of SATURDAY Nov. 4. Check out the link and drop by if you're in the area.



I had one hell of a weekend- and I mean that "one hell of a" like Hemingway- it was really tough rather than "one hell of a" like Dean Martin- it being chock full of debauchery. To sum up- had a hard weekend. The weekend was capped off by my having to attend a spook house and then give a critique about it. (Um...the zombies need to concentrate more and the rats seemed a bit....well, uncomitted). Whatever (or as the Italians say "qualunque")

But, the best thing is that I found a box of my old letters - sendracs era- Letters I haven't looked at in over a quarter century. I have letters from:


and I have a scanner!

I'm just saying....



(#295) Start your Monday right.

Jeff's entry compels me to drop the cynical, sarcastic facade and join the no-spin, BS-free world that Tabishland really is. Enjoy the link. AFA, TimmyTimkins


Make ART

Click link. Move mouse. Click mouse. Print ART.


Brown sets and truth

The blog has been drifting lately (creatively so, as usual), and with Tim's horrifying hint of its demise (and touchingly non-ironic holiday card, which I followed to the verklemptiful end), I've been thinking about the energy that drives it. It gets back to the very theme and title of the blog, which is tongue-in-cheek, surely, but also gets at why it has value for us: We can't get away with sh#$& here. The inevitable compromises of everyday life evaporate among the Tablishland bloggers because we have a history together, a history of honest (more or less) work under an uncompromising leader. Things you have to do professionally, to survive and thrive in your work, might well get laughed off the stage of blogtopia (please add to the Blogionary, Nell). Your friends and acquaintances from high school know who you are, and you can't be more or less than that. If I'm wrong, let NO comments--the ultimate shame--rain down upon this errant post.

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