


OR IS THIS 300????????

So if I look over the count from the last numbered enty, perhaps the last count is wrong and this is 300. Just wanted to be official. Please enter nominations for who should go back and count and be sure to justify your nominations with statements of character support. Perhaps a committee should be nominated. Waiting for suggestions on how to proceed.

When I click to get here the first screen I see tells me that this is currently post number 301. When I ask the computer to display the last 300 entries, it lists this post as most recent, and Nell's first response following Joe's original Welcome post. So it depends on whether you count Joe's or Nell's as the first post.

In any case, I nominate the committe of Tim, Dr. O'Weiner, and TimmyTimkins to investigate the numerical accuracy.

Ok-- back to job hunting...
OK liza, you win. I am not that observant of all things technical. I just think and type!
Gee Dave, if you're thinking before you type, you're way ahead of most of us.
(entering the room) Hey guys, what are you talking about? ... Where's everyone going? Hey, wait up!
Not I, I know I don't win-- Joe Dictator wins.

Gosh, now we have to include blocking in our posts?!?! (or are these called stage directions?)
It's okay. You were an English teacher, not a math teacher.
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