

Recycling Old High School Pictures for the Betterment of the Community III

He's such a citizen.
Haha. LOL.
Was he one of our pages? If so i missed him. Is he wearing boxers?
Ian, you've always had an unhealthy obsession with Grit.
Hey Chet, is the 'P' silent in your last name? It looks familiar...

Nothing like a little post-modern mocking for a chilly October day.

I may still have that tie...
I always gave Eric much more of a hard time that he ever deserved-

Post-college we used to have first day of Autumn "soup" parties where we all brought soup and played Jeopardy because once Eric's Mom offered Eric soup for dinner in the height of summer therefby forever forbidding us from having soup until Sept 21- which in later years became my daughter's birthday.

"I kid because I love"- Bobby Bittman
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Everyone knows it's just too hot to eat soup in the summer. Gazpacho is fine, but a steaming hot bowl of soup??? Craziness! I do not want to sweat while I eat. I want to enjoy the soup. So no soup in the summer. Soup season begins September 21. Do not confuse this with deer season, which begins way too late for soup consumption. But a warm cup of soup will help while you await your deer.

And remember, pancakes only for breakfast! I hope you teach your daughter well...
Deer season: my father used to sit in his car by the woods. He would drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. He would shine a flashlight into the woods. IF he saw a deer, he might then get out of the car and try to get it.

Shockingly, and much to our joy, he never seemed to come back with any deer.
We have a sort-of "No soup until Fall" rule too, but we never had an official start date. I'm going to start doing that.

(I was longing for a bowl of piping hot vegetable soup last week as I was roaming the cold, rain soaked, muddy, mucky deciduous forest areas of Butler County with a group of 11 year olds. How 'bout you, Julianne?)
Mmmmm...me, too!!!! And, Nell, I'll be back up there this Wednesday for three more fun-filled days with the sixth grade from Eisenhower! The weather is calling for RAIN! COLD RAIN! I can't WAIT!!!! Bring on the SOUP!!!

Incidentally, Nell, thank you for getting me on board with this blog!!!! I'm hooked (see fish picture for further evidence!)
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