

How animal hoarding starts

It's not really nine dogs, since Magoo, the Tabish-esque Jack Russell, doesn't consider himself a dog and Gustav is Jimmy Moody's dog (from up Jim Moody Road) who likes to come visit the gang. The other ones are Laika, Toby, Koby, Alex, Max, Oscar and Sasha.

I'm always open to new, good dog names.... People figure if they abandon their animals at the Baptist church across from us, then it's morally OK.

Oh, the girl in the middle is Meredith. She's been watching the Dog Whisperer and thinks she's the "pack leader".

They are so cute I can't stand it. AND, some of your dogs look like some of my dogs. Do you think that's because we're practically related, being from Indiana and all?
Looking through an old yearbook tonight, (No, it is NOT what I do with all my free time. Emily wanted to see what a gymsuit looked like.) I was amazed to notice how many of our children look like us. (And this applies across the board, not only to Tabishlanders.)
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