

Rising to Gracie's Challenge - My Beasts (n/i husband and kids)

Buddy, our latest. He is a beagle, and we have one other beagle, so I was able to claim we fulfilled the "four large dog" limit we've had for the past few years because really, we have three and two-half dogs. All of our dogs were rescued from shelters. Buddy is an old dog, and the only dog we've ever had who purrs.

The black lab mix is Andrew. He is very, very uptight. He half lays on the couch sometimes so he can move very quickly if needed. He always has to have something in his mouth, kinda like a nervous smoker. Once, I gave him his own business cards to carry around. You think I'm kidding.

Portia is on the left. She is the most gentle dog we've ever had, but I got a letter from my homeowner's insurance yesterday saying they're cancelling us because we have a Shepherd Mix. Not very fierce looking, is she? The lovely Carmen. This was taken at the "Golden Retriever Rescue Reunion," "Woofstock." Oscar is to the right, aka "Baby O." He is simply the most ill-behaved dog on the planet, but a hoot.

Wow Kim. It's like you run a kennel there. We have three dogs and they are all we can handle. Of course, the kids really don't help much. But our pups are full of love.

And it's time for the morning walk right now.
Part of why this works for us is we fenced in the back yard, so we don't need to walk them every time they need to go out. That makes a huge difference.

Three is a handful - but I can tell you it's not that much more once you go up one or two from there. They really are a pack!
I like Andrew's attitude on things. Does this pandemic flu, global warming thing have him concerned?
No, I just keep 'em. Fostering is an idea, but the household is a little chaotic as it is...I'd feel kind of badly for any dog trying to adjust temporarily.

Andrew doesn't seem too concerned about global warming. It's more stuff like: "WHAT'S THAT LADDER DOING IN THE FRONT HALL?!? THAT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!! DANGER! BARK! DANGER! BARK!" ...stuff like that.
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