


I had one hell of a weekend- and I mean that "one hell of a" like Hemingway- it was really tough rather than "one hell of a" like Dean Martin- it being chock full of debauchery. To sum up- had a hard weekend. The weekend was capped off by my having to attend a spook house and then give a critique about it. (Um...the zombies need to concentrate more and the rats seemed a bit....well, uncomitted). Whatever (or as the Italians say "qualunque")

But, the best thing is that I found a box of my old letters - sendracs era- Letters I haven't looked at in over a quarter century. I have letters from:


and I have a scanner!

I'm just saying....

Oh gosh. I have Gene's old letters that I've been meaning to scan as well...
Sorry you had a tough weekend. Hope this week's different.
I'm hoping mine includes some sophomoric poetry awash in self-pitying late-teen angst and ennui. Jeff an I used to write it in our journals as we sat at the college coffeehouse smoking clove cigarettes.
I have every letter and every note written to me in high school. I also haven't looked at them yet. Beware!

Ian, I hope you're okay.
No blackmail here .
"Dear ________,

It was so great to work with you! I'll always remember the fun backstage.

Break A Leg!

I thought I was the only one writing angst-laden sophomoric poetry. Man, you burst my ego inflated bubble Tim.
It was usually in Tab-ku form. Ah, I just happened to find some:

Little boy with your
Face pressed against the window
No donuts, just War.
Looking through a sampling last night, I WAS NOT suprized to see all the traumatics. I WAS suprized to see all the potty language.

Today I'm home as my daughter has Yom Kippur off from school- so no scanner access today.
And of course, now I can't post them until Dave gets on the blog
Go ahead, he probably left the building long ago.
Tim I think you're counting is all messed up anyway...
Isn't he in France?
Oh, DRT. I checked the emails and it said France Oct. 10- Nov.15 so there's still time.
I am here. I have blogged. The last comments make me wonder about the degree of faith some of you place in me. France is Oct 10. So time is running out to learn basic French!!!!!!
Yo Tab,

See Nell's "Dance with Me" entry about 10 back.

Now that you're retired and carefree kids, we expect you to find that perfect little Parisian cafe, duck in from the rain glistening side street, drink too much champagne, let the place close around you, have a dance and then post pictures of it when you get back to the blog. B/c you know what?: no lesson plans are due in the morning.

Speaking of pictures, any of The Cherry Orchard to post? Rumor has it, it rivaled PVP's definitive production of the previous milennium.
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