

Blog Store

For your holiday needs. I don't make money on these; they are all base priced. I can only make one of each product, feel free to request.

And yes I totally plundered the blog - yell if you are mad, I'll delete. I couldn't put any copyrighted stuff on either.

Yes, I am bonkers.

what, no Bat Phil merchandise?
Oh my ever-lovin' lord, this is hilarious!
This takes the blog to a new level (not saying if it's high or low). The "Dad you and your friends were dorks in high school" t-shirt must be selling like hot cakes.

Meanwhile, thanks to Ian, I'm still regretting the missed opportunity of never having a date at a weenie roast.
Oh Jeff, you and me both, my friend, you and me both.
Oh. My. God.

You are brilliant, Liza. Do more. Do more!!
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