

I Got No Offers, So Here Is The First One

The last page of a letter written by Kim (&Tim who wanted to save the stamp) at a rehearsal of Cherry Orchard summer of 1978. I was spending a couple of months in Eastern PA.

Some things don't change in 30 years: how screamingly funny and witty I am; how Kim is still picking on me.

Old, but: inside every adult is a 17 y.o. wondering ehat the hell happened.

But, you know what, it occurs to me that I've never pictured DRT as an adolescent. It's like he sprung fully formed from the head of Zeus as MISTER Tabish. Hey Irene, time for the naked baby on the bearskin rug photos?
Maybe a childhood picture someday. Naked baby, I think not. Truth is I must learn to post pictures anyway as Tim asked for some photos of the summer and I have some good ones!!
I sent Ian a copy of some Coarse Acting plays. I'm hoping he'll do a production of The Cherry Sister.

Till then, we'll look fwd to your photos.
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