


(# 300)
I have been requested to do the honors for blog #300. While I can offer some reflection, my words will match neither the wit nor wisdom which this site has generated. Often when I read your blogs (if I actually understand them -- much like the old Funny Men Named Bruce era), I sit imagining the blogger ( ?or is it bloggite?), sitting at the computer in sheer delight. It is so obvious you are all having fun reconnecting with each other and with the past! Speaking of which, Irene and I had dinner with Roseanne Rife last week. She looks great and is very happy in China. It was good seeing her and I hope it encourages some of you others to make contact with me if you are in town. For now (since I am suppose to generate dialogue), can anyone remember the time you saw me at my happiest back in the theater days at IHS? In other words, can anyone recall me smiling???????? Peace --- tab

Thanks for the post! If I can be so bold as to be a first responder, I would ask this: Can we consider the possibility that, in this particular case, feelings of "happiness" and the act of "smiling" are two different things? That is, is it possible you were only happy when miserable(which would make Thurber Carnival, late in the rehearsal process, the happiest moment of you career)? That said, I do remember seeing you smile, even laughing, but I don't remember the moment or context. Maybe it was at Bruno's--AFTER TC opened on November 12, 1976. (30th anniversary party, anyone?) Meanwhile, perhaps Irene might be consulted as an authority on the happy/misery conundrum.
Dave I have a picture of you from just before the opening of MFL, taken in Room 501 in which you were both smiling and happy. (It's posted in the Biography section of Ephemera.) We had just presented you with your gift--a small piece of luggage for your upcoming honeymoon. You appear to be quite delighted. I don't know whether or not it was your "happiest" moment, but it was one a joyful and memorable one.
I remember you smiling and laughing! I just don't remember when. Gimme a moment...it'll come to me...

Thanks for being here, again.
Do you remember you smiling and laughing?
Cue 54A that I stage managed in MW-- the perfect cabin to interior light dissolve-- that got the show its standing O?
Witnessing you smile would have necessitated "eyeballing you" would it not?
You smiled when we were on stage doing mime "isolations" and Tony Lenzi farted. It was one of those slow fade, I am an adult and I am not supposed to laugh, smiles. Sherry and I could not keep it together.

OK, I sunk to the lowest common denominator, but most of you knew I would.
I remember you laughing and smiling a lot. You enjoyed your work and let's face it, we were very clever and amusing (no, really.)

BUT you were also at times somewhat stern, and it's more amusing to reminisce about those times, I guess.
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