

Recycling Old High School Pictures for the Betterment of the Community

Oh, that's hilarious, thanks. My first laugh of the day (if you don't count the hour and a half in the Social Security office)
A study released yesterday shows that the presence of a ginger gene means many redheads need extra doses of anaesthetic during surgery because they suffer pain more acutely.
Well, the ginger gene thing is hilarious, coming from Ginger Gene, but I happen to think it's true. My red-headed son feels everything acutely...hates lotion on his skin, and couldn't stand nubby socks at the age of two (complained that they were too "spicy").
ok, this is just awesome....brilliant Ian...a close second to LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE....well maybe a third after SNL's convict poetry piece with Eddie Murphy....well no maybe a fourth after anything that Madeline Kahn was in....but up there Ian. Well done.
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