

Brown sets and truth

The blog has been drifting lately (creatively so, as usual), and with Tim's horrifying hint of its demise (and touchingly non-ironic holiday card, which I followed to the verklemptiful end), I've been thinking about the energy that drives it. It gets back to the very theme and title of the blog, which is tongue-in-cheek, surely, but also gets at why it has value for us: We can't get away with sh#$& here. The inevitable compromises of everyday life evaporate among the Tablishland bloggers because we have a history together, a history of honest (more or less) work under an uncompromising leader. Things you have to do professionally, to survive and thrive in your work, might well get laughed off the stage of blogtopia (please add to the Blogionary, Nell). Your friends and acquaintances from high school know who you are, and you can't be more or less than that. If I'm wrong, let NO comments--the ultimate shame--rain down upon this errant post.

Oh, man. I am so beat and I told myself I'd just glance through and not comment, but you have challenged me. Based on your last line, I can't NOT comment.

You are absolutely right - no BS here. We know each other in ways that the people in our lives now can't know us - not to say we know each other better so much as differently. Can't get away from that.
Very well put. Not only can't we get away from our HS friends knowing us, I don't think we'd want to. That's why we're here.
I find it somewhat of a relief to deal with people who know me at my , I don't know, most immature. I have no possible chance of impressing anyone- which is of great relief.
Younz guys are my truest, bestest friends. Can I interst you in some signature Victoria Principal limited edition earrings?
(#294) Can somebody show Tabish how to turn his computer on?
I am hoping that my Lucia falls in with folks like you at her high school.
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