

High School Homecoming

Here is Emily with her date Greg. They went out for dinner with a group of 16(!) before the dance and had a great time at the dance.

What a great picture! Where did Greg go to elementary school? I don't think he's one of my former students.
I like the confirmation photo above Emily's right shoulder.

My girl is only seven and pictures like that make me aware that time is fleeting.
East Pike I think.
Yeah, we all agreed Sean looks like he's considering acting up in that confirmation pic - he just has the LOOK.
It was so easy to get the girls dressed for their photos. They co-operated; everything went smoothly. Sean knew his turn was coming and everything was just off. The photos didn't really work, he didn't look right (He ALWAYS has "The Look"). But the photo really does capture the essence of Sean.

BTW, I always wanted to display their Confirmation photos like this and the kids absolutely HATE it!
I never quite understood Homecoming at Indiana High School. Were people supposed to come back on Homecoming? For what, for like a football game? If I recall, the ones that came back for homecoming were generally kids who had graduated 4 months ago.

Then, the dance. Why did we have a dance for Homecoming and then the dance was only for current students who wouldn't be coming "home" until they were no longer able to attend the Homecoming Dance?
Confirmation? I would've guessed 1st Communion from the get up they have on and the age...? Cia didn't get confirmed until she was 13. Just wondering...


How does one bear it? I can't possibly even think of entering that territory.

Actually, we are recruiting for a guy-- she needs a date for a semi-formal. Guys are tough to find in an all-gal school.
Liza, here, now, it's actually BOTH Confirmation and First Communion, together, on one day, one big party, then it's done.

When they first bring guys home it's scary but it's also amusing. The ways the guys act are pretty funny. None of them are at ease. One of them actually asked me how I knew it was him. (He was in the driveway and it was getting dark.)

The 6th grade girls have begun pursuing Sean in earnest. THAT is funny! They like him, but they won't talk to him. They do like to walk slowly past our house and gaze at the windows.
Sean get chased all the way to Ernest by girls??? Wow.
Oh, I see, hmm, that's different from out here, where the more parties the better. My niece's 16th birthday party cost $10K. Lucia is NOT getting that kind of party.

Thanks for the advice on the boys there, too, Nell.

You have a picture of the sign!! For forever, I have wanted to stop and take a picture of the Desire and Panic sign. Lucia and I always giggle when we pass it. Can you please send me the pic, please, please??? I stole it from here (copied), but the blogimage is too teeny.
Liza....a better quality image of that sign will cost you .....ten THOUSAND dollars...or another real good 16th birthday party!

Drop me an email on my home account at:
ehansmann at adelphia dot net

Remove the spaces and sub in characters for at and dot. This is one way to cut down on robots trolling for emails to spam. I hope you have cable or DSL as the original is a good sized image.

BTW, getting a photo of this sign is not easy, or very safe. Coal trucks speed through this part of 119 north of Punxy. Don't ask how close they come to objects standing in the shoulder...
We need to convert this sign into some kind of allegory. Something like this for a start: As you arrive in Desire, you get closer to Panic.
Here's one: Desire is just up the road from Paradise.
And Panic lies just beyond.

Most fitting.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...am emaling right now...
Between Paradise and Panic lies Desire.
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