

Jeff Magee as The Beatles

Goo Goo ka Joob!

See, this is the sort of thing we need more of. One of my kids wanted to see the Bat Phil picture so we went into the archives, and also ran across the Kitlers and the Cat Who Looks Like Jeff Magee ("what are the odds?," that killed me)

And I thought, we really need more of this. So thanks.
I have to show this to Gayle because she's a major Beatles "wonk" ("fan" doesn't do the phenomenon justice). But I'm afraid it will give her nightmares.

I show the "Cat" to Miles now and then and, it's funny, he just points his finger and goes "Cat" and "Datty" as if it's all perfectly natural. Maybe it's because all I do is nap and eat and lick my hands all day.

I'm back to the Land of Lincoln after a 17-hour, 900-mile dash from New York to Illinois yesterday. They should add that--including the backseat 2-year-old element of it--to the Geneva Convention's banned torture techniques.
I think it would be absolutely cool to see MY Musicology professor pictured like this. Jeff, I think you need a poster size print for your office door. You know, make a splash from the start.
You're right Nell. Especially if I can get a signed copy from the artist. I agree with what McGary said a while back after seeing Lear. Gallanar's a *&#*%( genius.
but have you ever seen McGary's metal shop work? Talk about a #&!@+^ genius!
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