

Caption contest #3

This could also count toward the title of the last post.

Like shooting fish in a...large absurd object...with wings.
"Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved."
Will was a better man than I. There's a lot I would un-do if I could.
...Who has the wings? The fish, the large absurd object, or the person doing the shooting?
Ah, now you get it!
I can go both ways in respect to regrets (does that make be bi-regrettable?)

Oh God, there are so many things that I did that I'm terribly embarrassed over or that were really big mistakes on my part, but maybe they were inevitable, you know? Steve Martin is obsessed with self-help books. I love knowing that. In my book, Steve is about the coolest man on the planet. (Segue alert) I heard a pithy statement today- oh sure, it contains a certain amount of, how shall I say, bathos, but I really liked it.

“This is the life you have to live.” Maybe it would sound better in French.

“C'est la vie où vous devez vivre”

Oh yeah, that feels better.
Yeah, I know. I don't think it's so much that I have regrets, because that's pretty useless, as I have the awareness that I would do things differently. But then, I guess, who wouldn't? If I could change ANYTHING, though, it would probably be my own head, which sometimes is my own worst enemy. Oh, hey, I can.

This reminds me of one of my favorite Jack Handy sayings, it goes something like this:

"Well, a tiger can't change his spots. No, wait! He did! Good for him."

I like Steve Martin a lot, too.
There's a lot of truth in that "this is the life you have to live" statement. I like it too.
Man. That is one whacked-out photo. This was at IUP, right? I'm not in there, am I? I can't recall this one.

Nice to see everyone knows the Vulcan hand greeting.
I didn't even notice the vulcan hand greeting. That really moves it into a whole different category, doesn't it?
I feel like I detect a certain whiff of Charlottesville here.
It's Houston. On the set of FLEA IN HER EAR. The Alley lighting and sound dept. I thinkI'm the one in the front and CE is the one standing on the right as you look at it. We used to take a holiday photo on the first set of the season. There was an asbestos abatement going on and so we had paper suits and particle masks in case we had to enter a contaminated area. So we bought a bunch of santa hats, put on the asbestos gear and - voila - the birth of a holiday tradition. The administration didn't think it was very funny.

I'd forgotten all about it until I was hunting for the cigarette picture and found it. The one on the set of Christmas Carol is esp. funny as we ran the snow effect while taking the photo and due to the lighting it looks like we're standing in nuclear fallout in a Victorian Street.
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