


We started keeping track of hits two months ago today (11 days after starting the blog). To date, over 6000 hits from 28 countries. One could attribute this to a) the legend of DRT being more far reaching than any of us imagined, b) we're as entertaining as we always thought we were, c)a lot of people use the "Next Blog" randomizer.

Or maybe Roseann has her international posse driving up our numbers.

My analysis suggests 5683 of those hits are attributable to Contrucci or Weiner, but none to Tabish.

The internet cafes in Saudi Arabia pass this blog around alot as evidence of American degeneracy.
I blame Al Quida- 'cause the international communist conspiracy went the way of gold fish in platform shoes.
I'll have you know I didn't think I'd blog while on vacation because I hate laptops (also, I'm supposed to be spending time with the fam), but I woke up this morning and realized I HAD to check in because I'm in Cape Cod and we may not have a hit from there yet, oh no. I agree with anonymous (like I don't know who THAT is), it's a sickness with some of us. Which is okay, I accept my little quirks.
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