

The Kiminator

Making boys sweat since 1975.

Actually, it was 1975. And we were swingin' in junior high.
I still - I STILL - can't believe they published that in the paper. That poor guy. And now the Internet. Boy, sweat once in Jr. High and it follows you the rest of your life.

And yes, this was Swingin' High, Joe, you know, the big Mealy vehicle.
Watched "Pimp My Ride" on MTV last night. They were tricking out the Mealy vehicle (I think it was a jetski) in a Liger sort of look. Sweet.
When we were in Italy last Spring, "Pimp My Ride" was the ONLY American television you could get in the evening. I kid you not.
Bet he sold his software startup at age 28 for so much that he could buy your ass 10 googlezillion times.

Swingin' High??? Who played the male LEAD and didn't Nell have to kiss him???
Isn't that Eric Schnieder, Mike's older brother? He left 15701 after this year and went to Interlochen I think.
Okay, okay, what exactly was it about the "High" that made it "Swingin'?" Aside from Geoff, of course.

I've tried and I've tried, but I can't succesfully use the word swingin' in a sentence. Except, of course, the sentence that I just wrote.

The closest I can come up with is: "We be swingin'." But I know that's just plain wrong (on so many different levels).
I don't remember "Swingin' High", but I have a vague memory of Eric Schneider. And I was surprised I recognized him right off, even before reading the comments.

Kim, I had no idea you had such powers. I hope Cape Cod is safe while you are there.
No place is safe while I am anywhere, my dear.
EJ is about to get a smack, you can count on that.

Don't be offended, Mealy, E-Mann was a mere baby when we cool big kids were Swingin' High.
Okay Geoff, we're going to play Swingin' High trivia.
1. What was your character's name?
We do have to plan a mid-west gathering at some point, that's for sure.
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