

What's the dumbest thing you ever let yourself be photographed doing?

Doing the wine-bottle limbo at the waiter-waitress olympics in Chicago on Bastile day. It was in the Chicago Tribune. I will try to find it but might not share.
That's Hansmann, isn't it? Who's in the dog costume? What period was that from?
Wow, if that's Eric, he had a twin who went to Duquesne.
This would be Halloween, 1984. Joe as the Pilsbury Dough Boy (or Pilsbury Joe Boy as he was called for several weeks following), Jeni Sanders in the tiger head (not sure where that came from) and Eric Hansmann dressed as Patrick McCreary (the technical director at IUP). I have a shot somewhere of Eric having his mustache built and applied. It was a very funny costume if you knew Patrick.
Oh yes- during the embarrassingly short "Ian in NYC" stint. For that Halloween, I think I went as "scared shitless, dime-a-dozen 23 year old marginally-talented skinny actor living in New York"
Didn't you get a Tony Award for that role?
BTW, that was one of my all-time favorite parties. I remember going to the keg and talking to people and just FREAKING THEM OUT! Since I wasn't a regular, very few people could figure out who I was and many were not sure if I was really Patrick. Until he showed up later and we stood and talked to each other in the center of the room. Jaw-droppin' time!
Eric I think you look like Mario, from Super Mario Brothers.
Maybe, but I need a bigger hammer.

Too bad my real moustache never looked this good.
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