

Caption Contest #2

Too easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Ha ha ha
Why do I find that picture so humiliating that it brings a tear to my eye?
Magee: Hey, Ali Hakim, whatcha cryin' for, you big pussy?

Gallanar: I don't know, somehow, someday I think this is all going to come back to haunt me, Weeel (Will with a really bad Persian accent)
Why, oh why is there a big blue bow pasted on my chest?
Gallagher's offensive portrayal of a Semitic merchant-- exceeding even Eddie Arnold's in terms of racial buffonery-- is without doubt the inciting factor in the curent midEast crisis. You infidels have him to thank for a generation of young Arab men who lack a sense of humor. And why is not the woman in a burka?
Persian, my friend- not semitic. I spent a great deal of time in preparing for the role, learning about Farsi culture so that I could do a proper job of portraying racial stereotypes.
It's an scandel, indeed!
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