

From the mixed up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Enough cute kids. Four guys with lots of cigarettes sticking out of their faces.

Back story please...
we sure were skinny back then. Oh wiat, Chips' still skinny. (sigh)
Could that have been following the Sex Students one and only live appearance? Or, what? Some sort of version of us. I may be making all this up, but we may have sung the Roches song "We" at some sort of coffee house/cabaret or something like that (We had a version that went we are Chip and Ian and Joe, Chip and Ian and Joe...Peeno.

We used to smoke a lot.
It is, in fact, just prior to the Sex Students one and only live appearance (timeline based on the fact that this photo is before the live shots on the negative strip - boy remember film negatives?). I don't remember why we have cigarettes stuck in our faces. Yes, we used to smoke a lot.
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