

Conversations with 15 year olds

Not only are most people from Indiana smart-asses (in my opinion) but it turns out their children are, too.

Sitting on the front porch a few evenings ago:

Mom: I love summer evenings. It reminds me of when I was a teen-ager.
Rhys: Oh, they had summer evenings back then?
Mom: Very funny.
Rhys: Of course, you probably had a lot of them, it being the dark ages.

Har har. For the two of you reading this, tell me: which Sendracian would you vote for as being the most sarcastic or sardonic? That was a category that was sorely missing from the Senior "best" thingies. What were those things called? I'm really losing it.

Are we voting for people NOW or people as we remember them? Wait, maybe there's no difference.
Sarcasm seems to be such an acquired trait that it may not have been readily apparent in high school. The youthful acuity of many peers of the day may not have been able to discern subtle sarcastic nuances of daily repartee.

As an example, while eating his lunch with his buddies, Ty McGary once shouted out to me while I was standing in the lunch line, "Hey Gayboy!" Rather than shirk into non-existent shadows I was tiring of inhabiting in the presence of some students, I responded in the positive and presented myself in an over-the-top fashion. Young Ty was dumbstruck and silent while the rest of his cronies giggled at him. He never bothered me again. True story.

So I don't think Ty understood this sarcastic response.
Don and I just witnessed much the same exchange at the ice cream stand. (The Meadows, Kim) It involved two 16 year olds we've known for several years. Instead of 'Eric and Ty' it was 'Tim and Paul', but it was the same type of teasing. Trust me, it hurt Tim tonight, but in a few years, Tim will get the better of Paul, because he's the smarter of the two. But it still hurts to see it happen.

I love your comeback, E-mann! Good show!
Absolutely, E. I'm always trying to get my kids to do things like that, it really does work.

And I guess there's a difference between mean spirited sarcasm and funny sarcasm.

Tim was a smart ass in high school but I think the award now has to go to EJ. I mean, the fake letter from the principal during the Tabishfest week-end really clinches it for him, I think.
Jeff Davis was really the other KING of sarcasm,Kim remember our visit to him where he said he put an X over everyone's picture in the year book that was a waiste of space and there were only two pictures un-xed, his and yours.

Boz may have to be crowned the Queen. She always got me in the fashion department with, "That looks really good Bin" then would turn to my sister and smirk or roll her eyes.
Rhys! How could I forget. Sorry to inject the crass peanut-butter cup spelling into the blog.
Not at all. It's the more common spelling. I'm glad you made it home okay, but the mind boggles at the thought of 17 hours in the car, esp. with kids.

Bin, of course you are correct. Jeff Davis was king, and perhaps even still is. As he said a mere month ago, "my girlfriend is one of those really sweet, nice people who is nice to everyone she meets. Drives me out of my g*d mind" denotes if not sarcasm, certainly rampant cynicism.
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