

Top 10 with a bullet

Today the Sendracs Website moved up one slot to #6 on the "Google Dave Tabish" race and Tabishland rose a whopping 11 slots up to #9. Keep up the good work - remember we want the one true Dave Tabish in top slot by Friday.

Also, there are a lot of lurkers on this site, not to name any names (Carol, Jennie, Roseann, Scott, Chip, Kurt, Janine) . Come on in , the water's fine. As incentive, if any one of you posts something in the next 12 hours, I'll open up the webpage I've been holding back on - a page so terrifying it will make you scream for bloody murder.

The gauntlet is down.

PS. Comments on this post don't count - it has to be an original post. Here's some topics if you're coming up blank:
PPS. Anyone use the spell check yet? It wants to make Tabish "tabbies" .

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