

Nicknames as instruments of oppression

Given the resurgence in nicknames (see link), it may be time to come clean and catharse and get things off our backs. Nicknames, as demonstrated by the great GWB, are a subtle way the elite (the Most Popular clique/the Heathers) maintain their power. Being, of course, sensitive to (last) names, I empathize with the downtrodden and am left wondering: The Bone? Bin? LB? Mealy/Mili/Mealey/Meely? Shay? etc. Anyone care to get on the record for this? And god forbid me from asking this, what was Joe's? and Ian's? And while were at it, this might be a good place to catalogue all of MISTER Tabish's aliases and their backstories, if you dare.

For everyone's Information- Tabishland has been moving up on the search engines due to the numerous pings we've all been giving it. Just a reminder that I'm sure no one would like to hurt anyone's feelings who may have long since forgotten us, but may accidently find the site while googling themselves.

As for ourselves- my in-laws have a rule- "humor before friendship"
I just Googled him and came up with an insurance guy in Utah, plus DT's stats at RateMyProfessors:

Let's see if Joe Pino is rated here....
Well...further into Googling, Tabishland and the Sendracs Ephemera sites come up - but these were about three or four pages into the search.
OK, maybe I don't need (or want) to know Joe's nickname, but for nearly 3 decades Eric and I have been mystified by "Bin". And as part of a Truth and Reconciliation effort(I've already brokered a peace breakthrough for 2 former Sendrac ingenue-stars), we should get to the bottom of this.

And Ian wins Mensch-of-the-Day. Must be one of those suckups running for Student Council President or something.
And thank you Tim for that peace agreement..What was your part in that, again?!
Here is where I'd like to say that I at times such as these I really enjoy being middle-aged. (And I really don't often admit that.) There is a certain amount of wisdom and understanding that comes with the passage of time. As the parent of teens, I know firsthand that teen brains are not fully developed and that sometimes teens make poor choices. But thankfully, at least sometimes, those people with whom we share growing up years see past the teen silliness and make the better choice to be friends in the present and truly let by-gones be by-gones. And that's just another bonus of this thing we call Tabish-fest!
I like a observation that I saw recently that the teen age is a form of mental illness. So why has all this Tabish stuff let some of us happily go in search of our "inner 17 year old"?

Joe's nickname was "Peen"- ala ball-peen hammer. Everyone claims I called Mr. Tabish/Dave "The Evil Doctor". I only recently (today) remembered that Jeff Magee and I used to call him "Don Taybish"

Eric Hansmann's sometimes nickname was Hanson. It seemed to me that Kevin George had a funny nickname. He's a funny guy and lives in the same county as I do. Anyone remember his nickname?

Jim Gordon (Mouse That Roared)was called "The Lackey" and always wore white carpenters pants that we called "lackey pants."

Of course Gene was often known as Gene-Gene after the Gong Show. Who else? We daren't give nicknames to upperclassmen. Although (and I'm quite serious) , we may have called Tim "God" behind his back. Hansmann, what do you remember?

Chip's nickname was forever "Chip" and did John Thompson have a nickname? Rememeber John? He played Cyrano and had the leads in lots of plays. He's like the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or some other such thing these days. Was he known as "scooter"?

I went to college with Scott Telford (I wish we could have gotten in touch with him- he was a Tabish favorite- Dave used to bum smokes off of him in the stage crew lounge). Everyone called him Scotty- but I never acknowledged that because we didn't call him that "in the day."
My nickname was Pureheart but I never liked being called that. My college nickname was Nell-Belle and I liked that better.
Pureheart? Really, I don't remember that. I mean, I get it, but...

Who was Bin? I remember that , sort of, who was that?
My yearbook correlates "Bin" to Ms Hulbert. We tried "Fergie" for Jenkins after the ML pitcher and Mealy worked on "Jenex"? for awhile but nothing stuck. I think the Sendracs Heathers called him something else and would love to know what that was. "The Bone" or "Bone" has a Jenkin's ring to it. And the derivation of Lee "The Tree" Montgomery should be self-evident.
I think Ginger was "bin" because it rhymed with Ginger. You know - bin/gin. That's all.

I was Cookie, mostly to the girls. Janine was "Neen" or Neener." Sherry was "Muffy" after a character she played in a Jr. High play, along with Shay, just an alteration of Sherry. I called Eric "Erc." Not terribly clever, and I don't know why, I just did. Steve Earley, unfortunately, was sometimes stuck with "squirrely." No wonder we haven't heard from him. Eric named Mealy, not Ron. And it is "MEALY." And when asked, back in '77 or so, Eric would always respond, "because he IS."

We also called Gene: "Gene, Gene, the Dancing Machine."

I remember Nell Pureheart and I'm sorry you didn't like it, Nell. I thought it was very cute. But, I can get comfortable with Nell-Belle, that's good, too.

TABISH had nick names for us, too, or he would shorten our names. Like he always called BJ Smith "Beej," and Sherry, "Sher" and things like that. Where he REALLY got hung up was with Wonsuck Kim. He would call him "Won" but it juuuust didn't quite work. I think we all secretly hoped he would say "suck" but he never did. I really liked Wonsuck, I wonder where he is?
DR Peen. It was DR. Peen. To go off on a tangent, there's only one other person besides Chip and Ian who still call me Peen - Dave Surtasky, who some of you know. If you know Dave, I'd call your attention to the billboard between Wallmart and Eat N Park when coming into Indiana on 286 for completely tastable irony. You'd be advised to pull off the road or you may crash your car. It's worth the detour.
Poor Wonsuck. I think he had it worse than me. I called him Cam Fong during The Teahouse days. (As an uncultured kid from the coal country, I used to think it odd that "Cam Fong" played "Chin Ho" on Hawaii 5-O; I mean it would have been fine if he just stayed "Cam Fong" for the show, right? Who would know the difference.) Too bad the program didn't list Wonsuck Kim....as himself.

Since The Waltons were popular in that simpler time, Mealy tried to stick me with Ween-Bob and Tim-Bob for awhile. (I think he was desperate to share the nicknaming as a way to get out of the spotlight, hence the "Jenex" thing.) Stuff like "Everybody go long and then crisscross in front of Smitty (aka Greg Smith) and I'll hit Ween-Bob near the manhole cover. Ready break."

Of course, the perfect nickname was for "Boz". In fact I thought that WAS her name, kind of like "Cher". (She was the red-haired girl to Ian's Charlie Brown.) Boz ("Bos" was Don Bosnic, btw) had the cool thing down perfect, so I can see why Ian worshiped her. She probably called Mr Heiser, "John", and that seems appropriate. She was so naturally mature, I wouldn't be suprised now to find out she was an undercover Narc. Anybody know where she is now?
Ian has been called Gallager for years, not because of that idiotic watermelon guy, but because that's how his name got mispronounced by lunkhead teachers for whom English was apparently a second language.
Gallagher actually came from either Eric Hansmann or Chip who, imitating the reddest of red neck voices would say "you're pretty funny Gallagher, what's your name?" Now that I've written that it sounds more like Chip thn Eric, but I could be wrong.
That does sound like Chip. He had the best redneck voice.
Nicknames...geez...I recall mainly being called either 'E' or 'E-Man' with SENDRACS and stage crew. Although 'Hanson' may have been applied after Ian earned the 'Gallagher' tag. I recall the 'Gallagher' bit, but I've known Ian as 'I-Man' for a long time as well. It may have been Mr. Duffy that began the 'Gallagher' thing.

Since they were inseperable in HS, Chip and Joe were known collectively as 'Chippinjoe'.

I don't recall many more. I don't think us young-uns were encouraged to call Tim W., Geoff D., Eric J., and other elders by nicknames.
WTF is Eric? I mean as suspect as this adult MySpace thing we're doing is, he needs to have no pride and do it too.

Specifically, from whence "(The) Bone"? Sure, it kind of makes intuitive sense that a mid year transfer, who could sweep in, get to sleep in Jill Delaquil's old room, make it to the inner Sendracs sanctum almost over night, charm the Heathers, be idolized by the dork 10th graders, always have several option for the dances, I mean, sure he's THE BONE. But what does it all mean? What Jenex synapse fired to yield that and not The Dude or The Man or Bjorn-bob?

One of those things that makes humans so infinitely fascinating, I guess.
And "Cookie" sounds like one of those nicknames you give yourself b/c that was a name you liked from watching an ABC Afterschool Special and before anybody could stick you with a stupid one. If not, now's the time to talk about it among caring friends. Just close your eyes and fall backwards.
I remember calling Eric "Erc"-must have been a Heather thing. Lisa wanted to be called "Buttercup" early on and then changed to L.B. which stood for Lotus Blossom, her character in Teahouse. But L.B. really stood for Lotus Buxom.

It's interesting that Bone and Mealy are so cemented in our minds that they are those names. My family thinks this is completely insane. And my kids wonder what names they'll get in high school.
I didn't make up "cookie." For heaven's sake, how idiotic do you think I am? "Okay, everyone, can you call me 'Cookie'? Please?!?!?!"

If *I* had to make up a nickname for myself, it would have been "Goddess of the Night" or "Sexy Thang" or something. Okay, maybe not. But I probably wouldn't have chosen "Cookie." Not, you know, that I'm not sweet.
I called Kim "Cookie", many times.
Also Diva, Prima-donna, Goddess of the night ...

After no during Shrew, Lisa and I refered to Tim as "Buns" Ya know... Weiner on a bun combined with those tight jeans he wrestled me in.

Bin comes from my younger brother Kevin, Binber - Ginger - Bin. Kim was right nothing more. Shay-ree Carnahan and Kevin are the only ones to this day that still call me Bin on a regular basis.

Jennie, Kim Linglet and I called Albert Scerbo "the Drip" because he wouldn't come out and play.

Ian you DID refer to the Evil Doctor in the greenroom in Waller, many, many times.

Nell I am sorry you didn't like your nick name, but getting one is the sign of true affection from your peers. And we did/do still love you Nell/Belle.

We Heathers refered to Mr. Jenkins as ... oh wouldn't you like to know. Many drinks and lots of cash might pry that gem from Shay's and my lips. Kim do you remember??
Laura "Boz" Boswell is happily married, 2 kids and lives in NC. AND she is still gorgeous! Ian you want a pic?
My goodness, yes.

I bet she's still cooler than all of the rest of us put together.
Ginger, can you contact her with this Tabstuff? May be she'll send a bio to Liza. Put it near Ian.

Lots of NC connections, eh? Perhaps Tabishapolooza '0?? should be in Siler City in the rural South, amid the dogs and ticks.
and grits and scrapple...
Funny my mom was asking about some people: Ed Zellem, Mary Angelo, Melissa Cribbs, Wonsuck.... who knows.

Ginger, scrapple is an E Pa thing, down here it's "head cheese" or "souse".

Eric, a line for one of the plays Ron or Dave wrote is still to this day in my mind:
"Matzoh is like grits w/o the gravel."
Wow! A whole blog devoted to Dave Tabish. He used to be my high school drama instructor. Surtasky was my freshman roommie. I went to HS in Indiana, the last two years, then to IUP.

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