

Stage Crew Dinners

One of the most astounding things in my memory were the Stage Crew dinners in which Dave and Irene welcomed us into their home and Irene cooked dinner for the Stage Crew. I was used to my Mom's cookin- who- although a wonderful woman with many great talents, has never been much of a cook (read: terrible- I was 125 lbs in High School for a reason). I have a distict memory of Irene's delicious french onion soup. I remember being very flattered about being invited to their home (the second floor of a house off of, maybe 5th street?). Looking back, it was such a wonderfully generous thing. I mean, could you imagine?

What an extraordinary thing to do.

Also, how many of you remember applying to Stage Crew? That was really an elite thing that of which I felt very privileged to be a part.

Anybody else have any memories of that?

Wow. I'd completely forgotten about applying for stage crew. And the stage crew dinner. Maybe I do have PTSD (post tabish sound disorder).

That man must have been insane to invite us into his house to eat. The only time I let a student into my house I had my identity stolen along with my wife's jewelry and Miranda's Kennedy Conspiracy Pez Collection (and let me tell you, those damn Umbrella Man pez dispencers are hard to come by).
Wow. I forgot about this. He did have an annual dinner-type of thing. Wasn't it after the musical? Kinda a reward for surviving the year?

Speaking of meals, anyone recall eating lunch on the roof above the fly-space? And did we leave some sort of time capsule thing in the walls behind the stage crew lounge? I recall there was this large open area back there that you could access from the hatch to the light board and the steps to the upper lights (whose proper name I do not recall). You had to kind of shimmy down the steel work to this 'space'.
Wow! The timecapsule in the crawlspace! I have the vaguest memory that Matt Salerno uncovered it a couple of years after we graduated. I wish I remembered what was in it.
Did she serve the correct wine with the onion soup? It can be tricky but I suspect Irene would know which chateau and year would pair best. Of course, an icy cold IC Light would be a good second choice.
Straub, Stoney's, or Old German would be next.

Right? I mean if those other choices just weren't available...
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