

From the files of "Dad, you and your friends were dorks in High School."

Egg Wrestling. Pep Rally, IAHS Fall 1978.
Gene Haldeman, Jimmy Gordon, Ian Gallanar.

It was grape wrestling. Egg wrestling would just be silly.
You can see Roseann in the audience - she's the majorette four to the right of Ian.
With play-by-play done in Spanish if I recall. This was one of theee funniest moments as nobody knew exactly what was going on, except for us. The blank looks and nervous laughter were priceless.

Scenes from "The Office" were kinda similar.
How did you ever get the administration, much less the athletic dept. to let you do that?!
The grape won of course. I think it even got a varsity letter that year.

Wasn't this done at the year-end award ceremony?

I sent a lenghty post on this the other day, but it isn't here? Joe, do you approve each post??
Roseanne was an I-ette, the elite, not just any old majorette.

I think this memory is correct.
The grape won the wrestling event, of course. I believe it was even awarded a varsity letter that year.

BTW, I think this was one of thee peaks of absurdity in IHS. The play-by-play was done in a mock-Spanish that no one understood. I recall laughing uncontrollably at the end of ths as nearly the entire gym did this nervous applause and giggle, not really knowing what just happened. If you watch The Office on NBC, there are moments on that show that came close to the air in the IHS gym after the great grape wrestling match.
How long after this picture was it that the jocks rioted and beat you guys up? I remember the Indiana Gazette came out on the side of the football team in their editorials.
I think they were all too confused. I may be wrong, but Jane may have been the one that set this up. It taught me at an early age what to do in case you come across a hostile audience- blame it all on the other performers (it was Gene that ruined it. It would have killed without him screwing everything up!!).

It also reminds me of doing odd lazzi with Tim, Gene and Hansmann at the 1978 Talent Assembly. Wow, they sure hated me after that. wow.
I sure hope this posts, as I've sent something for this blog six times now...

Okay first off...the GRAPE won! I belive it was even awarded a varsity letter that year.

Secondly, I recall the play-by-play being done in a mock-Spanish that NOBODY understood. So this was one of the most absurd stunts performed at IHS (at least whilst I was there). The looks at the end of this skit were priceless. There was some nervous laughter and half-hearted applause before we were ushered away. There are some moments on the TV series "The Office" that come close to this same aura.

Third, you can guess what kinda comments came from the Reds/Jocks. It was nearing the end of the schoool years, so they had other 'pressing issues'.

Man...I hope this posts....
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