

Blocks, Anne vs. Kim, and the Religious Right

A few new things over at the Kim Alter (which is sort of turning into the Anne K-M alter I notice. We may have to settle this with a brawl in the alley outside the Coney). We've got Nell's photos of the memory blocks (aka "the tombstones") on their own page and lots of new pictures spread around, especially in 1978-80 (some from Dr. W , some from Roseann and a bunch from the AKM collection, hence the competition for Dame Kim). A couple of new photos of THE MAN himself.

The Photo site comes up #7 and this blog comes up #20 if you google "Dave Tabish". Hope Dave doesn't Google himself. We've had hits from Japan, South America and Canada - probably random but who knows the true reach of Dr. T's influence. My goal by Saturday is to unseat the pretender David Tabish, the "family values" crusader/insurance salesman from Utah, with the One True Dave Tabish at the top of all Googles for "DaveTabish".

Keep the blog traffic high.

Nell "Braveheart" Coleman was the photographer. She tragically lost her sense of smell in a cooking accident in 1994 (involving ground cloves and white pepper), so she seemed the best equipped for the job.
I love Anne dearly but, you know, ...
See Kim, toldja...everyone's hand is up.
Hey, how come our blocks (circa '78)were entirely in black and white, TimesNewRoman or ArialBoringEnglishclassresearchpaperFont and EVERYONE else got to use color...and add design and pictures and actually make them beautiful and memorable????
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