

Oh, she'll hate me for it

While we're spending hours upon hours mocking each other to no end - here's an email I got last weekend from Roseann Rife, Class of 1980

I am in Hong Kong! Things are going well but really hectic. Tomorrow is June 4, the 17th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre so it has been really busy and we will work all day tomorrow as well. Hong Kong is I think the one place in the world where there is still a commemoration each year with @40,000 people still showing up. It is terribly heartening and sad at the same time. And send special vibes for no rain! 8 hours in the park in a downpour is not my idea of a spiritual event!

Roseann's cool.

so who's going to bug her for a bio and pic? Ian? Joe?
I can scan here photo from the 1979 yearbook. Will that do?
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