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Not only did I find the program for this show, I found a season subscription flier! I'll scan and post them later. A big prize for whoever guesses who played Marcus Lykus.
Nice togas. Very J-Lo.
I don't remember the character's names. The guy in the front was Roland Hribal, don't ask me how I remember THAT. Second from left, Thom Bukowski (who married Dee Dee D'Angelo...and Ted Hurd is still in touch with them). Then Karen Risinger, Ray Cupples, me, Ian, Ginger, ?? , I think Dee dee, ??
The answer was....

Our own Kurt Stedje,

but thanks for playing
Oh, THAT marcus Lykus
Are you guys sure this was done at PVP? I recall helping with this during the IUP summer theatre program in the summer of 1983.

The set looks vaguely familiar.
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