

The Class Reunion we always wanted

I'm not sure who was on the receiving end of a recent Nell email about how unique the Tabapalooza event is in the scheme of reunions. Since I deleted the email - I know: delete tweiner/never (ever) delete Nell - let me restate it by relating a recent conversation from my livingroom.

"Darth Maul could kick Mr. Incredible's ass Daddy!"
"No way buddy! Mr. Incredible rules!"

....No wait... it was after that.

My brother-in-law was in for the weekend with a high school friend of his and they were recalling the glory days with C.E. (that would be my wife and life partner for those who don't know - I like to call her "my first wife" but she gets really pissed at me). As they discussed different folks from their High School, someone posed this question:
"Why don't they have reunions with more than one graduating class? A lot of the people we hung out with weren't in our year and they're the folks I really want to see again."

I realized that's sort of what we're doing. Getting together the folks who hung out in the same corner classroom in the butt end of IAHS. And this blog is the virtual version.

So... Nice to see you all again. Glad to be reassured there was a good reason I liked you all in High School.

Ya know....a similar thought would travel through the grey matter when I would receive notice of the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th..(ooh, wait a minute, I haven't gotten that last one, yet) high school reunions. I always thought it would be great to see Chip, Joe, Scott, Tim, Geoff, and several others who were either just ahead or just behind the class of 79. Now I have that chance, and I am unable to make it. Crappies.

BTW, this kind of generational reunion has been occuring more frequently at colleges and universities. My alma mater has been doing this for a while now.
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Joe, I knew there was a reason I like you!

And how about the world map on the blog? I really enjoy watching it light up. It seems that daily we add another country and/or continent, not to mention the various states. Tabapalooza has truly gone global!

We know Roseann is in China. Who are some of the others?
Could be random hits from people scanning through Blogger. The South Africa hit might be one of my former students - I mentioned this in another blog a number of them read. If you click on the map it brings up the statistics, like how many people each dot represents and how many visits the site has had.
Class of 78 has reunions every 5 years, and I go to most of them, but I'm really getting sick of those guys, so I agree with you. Time for some fresh (young, even!) blood.
OKAY, I'm not sick of them, but it is great, and fascinating, to reconnect with the rest of you, esp. after all this time. It's pretty cool.
Class of '79 has sparsely attended reunions every ten years. Jeff and Eric and Patty don't go to them so neither do I. I remember seeing pictures of Wonsuck Kim at the 20th. He looked like he was trying to be nice to everyone but really just wanted the hell out of there. I've never been to one. I would rather just go to someone else's and wear a name tag that says "Wonkie" and pretend I know everyone. Just make up memories. "Remember when Mr. Sunkoid crashed his AMC Pacer into the chemistry lab and killed that kid. That was so hilarious."
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