


Ok, you all have to help me out here. I was walking down the street yesterday evening and a large bird was flying low over my head. I thought it was a strange sight, maybe a heron... or an albatross, had that weird pouch under the beak. Very strange.

Then I remembered...something...about albatrosses and Gene...? What was that about...? Albatrosses on a stick or something? Does anyone remember this?

Ian believes Gene might have become a Buddist.
Don't Buddists believe in reincarnation? Gene wouldn't come back as an albatross, would he. I mean, not if he could help it...?

The Albatross reference comes from a Monty Python skit where, I believe, Michael Palin would be strutting around and yelling like a vendor.

"Albatross! Get your frozen Albatross on a stick here!"

I recall (and it is getting tougher to do this now) Gene, Jim Gordon, possibly Ian, possibly Joe, possibly Scott Brown, and myself randomly bluting out during a class change...

"Albatross! Get your frozen Albatross on a stick here!"

Of course, oftentimes we were in a small group so the rednecks wouldn't beat us up.

Anyone mentioned above can feel free to alter/correct/sanitize this hostorical recollection at yor whim.

Or not.
In a white wine sause.
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