

Jeff Magee is in the house...blog...

Because Ian twisted my virtual arm, I'm here to report a couple of memories that will probably strike a chord with maybe 1 or 2 people in the '78-'79 period. If you were around before that, this will be meaningless...but that's probably fair because some of us don't get what the heck the classes of '78 and '77 are talking about. (For example, during an earlier e-mail flurry, I had to look up "weed" in the dictionary, and using context clues did not help me determine which meaning was intended.)

Anyway, youn's are getting in my head because last night I had a dream that Ian, Gene, and I were singing "We're the whales of the chorus"-- in immaculate three-part barbershop-style harmony--and I remembered the words. Something that hasn't happened since about the fall of 1978.

Which reminds me of a time later that year that I did not remember the words. Recently, when I wasn't even looking, I happened to find a little blue paper star on which the following was carefully written: "1979 Senior Sendracs Awards...Keep Smiling and Maybe They Won't Notice Award." This refers to my most glorious moment in high school, when, standing on a bench in cowboy garb, mouth open, mind blank, drenched in a worried sweat, I listened to the orchestra play my song, "Kansas City," as I waited helplessly for the male chorus to save my butt with its refrain, "They've gone about as fur as they c'n go." During rehearsals, Dave had taken me aside and quietly said, "Nice work, Jeff." It was a shock, so I think he must have jinxed me. I'm sure that finally taught him not to go around constantly complimenting everyone on their performances.

Well, Jeff- you made me go through "the box"- you know the box that your parents made you take out of their house when you were ablut 30 and that goes with you all over the county and you never open?

It turns out my award was "Mr. Tabish's Lackey" Award. That sounds slightly insulting, but at the time I'm sure I took it as the world's greatest compliment.

Speaking of compliments (nice segue) One of the only memeories of Oklahoma! was that Jeff and I had a short two person "traveler scene." It was probably 90 seconds tops. I remember doing it near the end of rehearsals and Dave not giving us any notes at all. He may have even said something like "good." and then we moved on. It was one of the greatest compliments I've ever received in my entire life.

Speaking of entire lives...

Nope, I got nothing on that segue.

We're The Whales of the Chorus- I remember singing that ad nauseum. I found some pictures of Gene and Lisa today. I'll scan them and post them later.
Was the Whale Song your class song? (segue) into a riff on the musicology of "Freebird" and other 70's Supergroup class songs I've been trying to sucker Jeff into. Will he take the bait this time?
Hey Jeff, what was the first production you were in? Was in "A Christmas Carol" in 5th Grade at Ben Franklin Elementary?

Sorry, this just kinda spewed out of the old brain...
No sucker musicologists biting today...
I was in the audience (cool Joe College thing going down) the night Jeff FU. I truly can still see the idiotic smile and smell the reek of desperation as he sat on a a box waiting for the nightmare to end. He made some feeble attempts at forming words, but like a pithed frog in Bio class, his mouth just opened and closed, slowly ...and repeatedly.
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