

Lame and derivative, but it is #284

Random observations: Steve Early was in both of Kim's weddings, go figure. The SOM wedding defies description; I just wish they had put EJ in leiderhosen too. The comedy team of Hoffman and Day never fails to disappoint. Hansmann and Magee are looking exceptionally virile and metrosexual.

First, I'm struck again by how good sets can look on a high-school budget, especially SOM and FOTR. Also it just goes to show you how a bit of deftly placed facial hair can make a Western PA teenage gentile look Jewish, or English. Or not. Or how a scarf and a cowboy shirt can make you look, well, different.
I'm thinking Steve Early may have actually enjoyed wearing the shorts (wasn't he a big AC/DC fan?) Not so sure how Nell and Ginger felt about the sleeveless bridesmaid's gowns, however. And I have a burning desire to get a BB gun and start picking off the nuns in the background to see if I can win a stuffed animal.
I loved wearing that gown. Believe it or not the gowns were from a 1950's wedding my Mom was in. (The headpieces were weird.) The sleeveless style was great because it was soooo hot--just like Ginger and I ;)
I actually had some facial hair for this show, and for part of my senior year. It always looked pretty ratty and the 'stache never really came in well.

Ian, Gene, Chip, Joe and Jim Gordon would roast me on a near-daily basis about the lack of the mustache. I'd be in a conversation and one of them would appear in the background and put their finger horizontally over their upper lip and just below their nostrils.

I remain afflicted to this day. Deep down,, I know they were just jealous....except maybe for Gene who had a mustache in 9th grade.
BTW, I must say the blue housekeeper garb from MFL has to be the single most flattering costume I have donned. I wish I could have kept it.
Wow. I forgot all about the pseudo-mustache gesture. And its close relative, the pseudo-laugh, which was executed by putting your hand over your mouth and flapping the hand as if you were laughing hysterically and trying to cover your mouth. Used liberally when someone said something not really funny.
I'll bet those gestures will now arise again and become commonplace on the campus of CMU.
I think they're great gestures, and I intend to start using them.
no, no, no Eric- we weren't mocking you- we were mocking Gene! It was the "pubic hair" mustache. There was even a picture in the paper of Mime club with several of us making the pubic hair mustache gesture (including Nick Hoffman) while posing in a "tug of war" shot.

I'm going to hell for sure for making such fun of Gene.

Buy the way, I knew him for a decade afterwards and it never really grew in that well.
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